November 4, 2019

Movements in Meditation.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


While I am meditating my body moves independently into synchronized yogic postures and movements, complete with breathing and sound techniques. Occasionally  I have visualized colored shapes. What pathway could I be on?


These movements are not exclusive to any particular path, they can occur  in some form to any meditator. The movements and positions the body spontaneously assumes are called kriyas and mudras. When these movements occur don’t give too much importance to them, they may come and go. Don’t assume that the more it occurs, the more effective your practice is. That can introduce artificiality and expectation into your meditation. Just attend to the meditation instruction you are following, and whatever needs to unfold for your evolution will unfold in the time and way that is most appropriate.



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January 4, 2012

Movements in Meditation.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.

I am 30 years old woman, quite stable and happy with my life. I have started doing meditation for a quite a while but I am not consistent with it although I try to do it daily. However, I have just one question that whenever I start to meditate and after a while when I feel that I am just focused in my mind and there is no distraction…i.e. when I feel that my mind is at rest.. at that moment, my body starts moving back and forth.

The more I feel my concentration increases (at a single point of focus that i create in my imagination to be focused at e.g. light spot or point) the more I feel my body is moving. Sometimes during meditation if I think that my body shouldn’t move and just stop.. it immediately stops although I don’t exert any physical pressure to do so. I am bit confused and also concerned about this situation that whether I am doing meditation the right way or not? is this body movement normal?
Thanks for help.


This is a perfectly normal experience in meditation. As the body experiences that deep rest while the mind is in that state of stillness, it will naturally release tension and fatigue in the muscles and tissues, and that sometimes will cause the body to move, sway, twitch, etc… Don’t worry about it or try to force it to stop. Don’t encourage it either, just know that when it is complete, it will stop of its own accord. Continue meditating as instructed without giving any thought to what the body is doing or not doing.

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  1. Kathleen Suneja

    Hi there! I’m quite sure that I have something that I can connect and interject, my book is about relevant lessons from my journey towards self-realization. Tried and tested by my activism during my grassroots movement to uphold democracy, I realized that the vigor of my convictions and capacity to uphold freedom was driven by my belief in my inner being. My strong sense of my personal responsibility to protect individual freedom led me to explore and test my inner capacity to sustain the spirit of freedom. I daresay, I launched a democracy movement in order to test my inner capacity to realize my ability to protect what is owed and natural to me in my body, mind, spirit and soul. The desire to be free is a soul searching self-realization. Our advocacy is to promote change for the better through self-realization we express the natural genius and open our minds to feel the flow of life energy as it courses through us. By experiencing the life form in its true creative genius we connect to our body, mind and spirit as it was meant to be. The learning from our inner experience in meditation allows us to know who we are. In meditation, we reevaluate life and are inspire ourselves to experience more fully our best selves. Help us, visit our website at and also Thank you and have a great day!

  2. Kathleen Suneja

    Hi there! I’m quite sure that I have something that I can connect and interject, my book is about relevant lessons from my journey towards self-realization. Tried and tested by my activism during my grassroots movement to uphold democracy, I realized that the vigor of my convictions and capacity to uphold freedom was driven by my belief in my inner being. My strong sense of my personal responsibility to protect individual freedom led me to explore and test my inner capacity to sustain the spirit of freedom. I daresay, I launched a democracy movement in order to test my inner capacity to realize my ability to protect what is owed and natural to me in my body, mind, spirit and soul. The desire to be free is a soul searching self-realization. Our advocacy is to promote change for the better through self-realization we express the natural genius and open our minds to feel the flow of life energy as it courses through us. By experiencing the life form in its true creative genius we connect to our body, mind and spirit as it was meant to be. The learning from our inner experience in meditation allows us to know who we are. In meditation, we reevaluate life and are inspire ourselves to experience more fully our best selves. Help us, visit our website at and also Thank you and have a great day!

  3. Kathleen Suneja

    Hi there! I’m quite sure that I have something that I can connect and interject, my book is about relevant lessons from my journey towards self-realization. Tried and tested by my activism during my grassroots movement to uphold democracy, I realized that the vigor of my convictions and capacity to uphold freedom was driven by my belief in my inner being. My strong sense of my personal responsibility to protect individual freedom led me to explore and test my inner capacity to sustain the spirit of freedom. I daresay, I launched a democracy movement in order to test my inner capacity to realize my ability to protect what is owed and natural to me in my body, mind, spirit and soul. The desire to be free is a soul searching self-realization. Our advocacy is to promote change for the better through self-realization we express the natural genius and open our minds to feel the flow of life energy as it courses through us. By experiencing the life form in its true creative genius we connect to our body, mind and spirit as it was meant to be. The learning from our inner experience in meditation allows us to know who we are. In meditation, we reevaluate life and are inspire ourselves to experience more fully our best selves. Help us, visit our website at and also Thank you and have a great day!

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