June 3, 2014

Mind Location.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


Dear Dr. Deepak
What is anatomical location of mind? I am MBBS , MD pharmacology doctor. I am very much interested in knowing about mind scientifically. I am an Indian and grew up learning shlokas on Mind written by Samarth Ramdas.


The brain is the localized physical correlate of the mind, and there are various regions of the brain associated with mental processes, but the mind itself is nonlocal. There is no place in the brain that you can say a thought originates, no precise network of neurons you can point to that is sentience. Our brain is the physical interface for our mind. Looking for where the mind is located in the brain is like asking where the music is in the radio.


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  1. Joyce Hernandez

    Dear Dr. Chopra: Is the mind the same as consciousness? From my studies in Buddhism, it is my understanding that one's consciousness is what reincarnates. I have noticed the terms mind and consciousness being used in a manner that seemed interchangeable. Do you believe mind impacts health? On p. 4 of the book Ultimate Healing, Lama Zopa Rinpoche asserts healing our "mind" is crucial to healing disease. After reading his book I came across a news article that seem to support his statement. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/05/08/poverty-race-ethnicity-dna-telomeres_n_7228530.html?ncid=txtlnkusaolp00000592 When comparing poor whites, blacks and Mexicans they discover an interesting factor. The degree that these folks assimilate into the US culture and encounter "negative feedback" from the general population, seems to be a key factor to their cellular degradation. Poor Mexicans are not experiencing the DNA deterioration because they stay within their ethnic exclusively and are therefore insulated from negative opinions from the dominant US culture. This would indicate a mental construct is at play for the DNA deteriorations and any resultant diseases. This reminded me of a series of experiments that a Japanese alternative medicine doctor (Dr. Masaru Emoto) who performed a series of experiments on water and how it is impacted by external stimulus - specifically words both spoken and written and thought. He has documented the results of his experiments in a series of books Messages from Water, The Hidden Messages in Water, The True Power of Water and Love Thyself. He has also written some books specifically for children The Secret of Water for the children of the world, and The Message from Water children’s version. http://www.masaru-emoto.net/english/water-crystal.html The means that water has consciousness. Warm regards, Joyce

  2. Joyce Hernandez

    Dear Dr. Chopra: Is the mind the same as consciousness? From my studies in Buddhism, it is my understanding that one's consciousness is what reincarnates. I have noticed the terms mind and consciousness being used in a manner that seemed interchangeable. Do you believe mind impacts health? On p. 4 of the book Ultimate Healing, Lama Zopa Rinpoche asserts healing our "mind" is crucial to healing disease. After reading his book I came across a news article that seem to support his statement. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/05/08/poverty-race-ethnicity-dna-telomeres_n_7228530.html?ncid=txtlnkusaolp00000592 When comparing poor whites, blacks and Mexicans they discover an interesting factor. The degree that these folks assimilate into the US culture and encounter "negative feedback" from the general population, seems to be a key factor to their cellular degradation. Poor Mexicans are not experiencing the DNA deterioration because they stay within their ethnic exclusively and are therefore insulated from negative opinions from the dominant US culture. This would indicate a mental construct is at play for the DNA deteriorations and any resultant diseases. This reminded me of a series of experiments that a Japanese alternative medicine doctor (Dr. Masaru Emoto) who performed a series of experiments on water and how it is impacted by external stimulus - specifically words both spoken and written and thought. He has documented the results of his experiments in a series of books Messages from Water, The Hidden Messages in Water, The True Power of Water and Love Thyself. He has also written some books specifically for children The Secret of Water for the children of the world, and The Message from Water children’s version. http://www.masaru-emoto.net/english/water-crystal.html The means that water has consciousness. Warm regards, Joyce

  3. Annabelle Riccj

    So the mind is a streaming consciousness from the universe that gets filtered through the localized brain and the brain then delivers an edited view of the mind? So when you meditate you are attempting to bypass the brain`s inner workings?

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