July 19, 2022
Ask Deepak

Milk and Eggs.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


Topic: What’s wrong with eating chicken eggs and drinking milk? Dear Deepak, I am an ovo-lacto-vegetarian because I don’t understand veganism. One answer to why I shouldn’t eat chicken eggs was given: Because it’s a little chicken. But that is not true for most chicken eggs, certainly not for the ones you buy in the supermarket: They are not fertilised. As to why one shouldn’t drink milk I don’t understand at all. If you buy at a bio-shop there is no mass-exploitation or suffering from the animal involved. You can buy vegetarian cheese these days, with microbial rennet. I wish to understand, because I am seeking God, and many enlightened people insist on a vegan diet to achieve that. Why?


I see no problem in being an ovo-lacto vegetarian from ethically raised sources. I wasn’t suggesting that the vegan diet is the only healthy or ethical diet. I was reassuring the questioner that a vegan diet can be healthy. And in regard to a diet that supports enlightenment, many of those who have realized God throughout the ages, did so without being vegan.



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