April 15, 2022
Ask Deepak

Meditative Dreams.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


Dear Deepak, I meditate daily and do so without judgment or expectations. What I do find interesting is the different states of mind and thoughts that come through my mind. Once I am aware of my mind drifting I consciously return to my breathing. However, from time to time I enter what I’d call a dreamlike state, but not sleep. The thoughts are not mundane (like my schedule for the day), buy like a dream with somewhat incoherent random thoughts, more like fantasy. The same as dreams you remember after sleep. I wonder if I should be attentive to them in any way. They don’t have apparent meaning, but I don’t dwell on them either. Do you have any suggestions for what state of mind I’m in and whether I should better understand their meaning? Thank you for your wonderful spirit and integrity.



No, you don’t need to attend to them or alter your practice in any way because of these dream-like reveries. Even though they differ in quality from other forms of mental wandering, they are driven by the same cause—mental release—therefore treat them the same way you do any other thought in meditation.



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