March 4, 2019

Meditation Time.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


I was reading some of the different posts on meditation, particularly the post “Length of Meditation”. I personally meditate an hour in the morning, and an hour at night. Is this too long? Should I cut my time down to 30 or 20 minutes? Thank you Deepak, for your insight and wisdom that has totally changed my life.


If you are functioning well in your daily life with that meditation schedule—alert mind, physically active, and socially engaged—then you are fine. The length of meditation is all about finding the right balance between silence and action. I also meditate for two hours a day and it works perfectly into my routine.  I don’t recommend that for everyone because that for a majority of individuals who have family and job responsibilities that much meditation will typically cause “spaciness” and emotional withdrawal instead of more effective action. The prescription to meditate twenty to thirty minutes twice a day is a formula that has been found to work for most people, but there are always exceptions to the rule.

If you are able to integrate and use that silence of two hours of meditation effectively, then go ahead.



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  1. Alena Adamkova

    And the spirituality is part of your work and writting it depends on the work that people do....Its like vet knows more about dogs and cats than ordinary people, and spend more time with them.

  2. Alena Adamkova

    And the spirituality is part of your work and writting it depends on the work that people do....Its like vet knows more about dogs and cats than ordinary people, and spend more time with them.

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May 21, 2013

Meditation Time.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


When is the best time to do meditation? Is it right before sleep? Is it early in the morning right after we get up? Or somewhere in the middle of the day where we can allocate a regular interval of time each day?


It is best to meditate twice a day; early in the morning after washing and before breakfast, and again at the end of the work day late afternoon, before dinner. These two periods of profound quietness alternated with productive activity are the steps of spiritual unfoldment.


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  1. raji

    thanks deepak

  2. Rahul Mullakkal

    It is good time, when our mind is ready, morning or evening preferable..

  3. rakim87

    I appreciate the suggestion but I don`t think there is a 100% right answer to this. I trust my senses and do it when it feels right.

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