January 5, 2013

Meditation, Psychedelic Drugs, Altered States and the Dream Weaver.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.

Find out more about our Dream Weaver device that helps the user instantly get to a meditative, relaxed, dream or sleep state. 

I want to share with you new developments in the area of neural feedback and altered states. Almost every culture has developed a ‘technology’ to help people move toward an altered state or a state of transcendence, whether it is Hindu Meditation and Kirtan, Gregorian Chanting, Hebrew Davening, Tibetan Prayer Bowls, Native American Drum Circles and Chants, Sufi Chants, Whirling Dervishes and African Trance Dancing.

Drugs, whether people used peyote, Ayahuasca or LSD, the goal of all of these was to go in the direction of transcendence. To go beyond what we call the hypnosis of everyday social conditioning and recognize that there's a deeper realm of spirit within you.

While I strongly feel there is no substitute for compete, total transcendence – going beyond all conditioning – in the last couple of decades there has been a lot of research that shows that every state of consciousness creates its own biology. That every state of consciousness creates its own neural functioning. That every state of consciousness creates its own brain wave signature. When we are sleeping, the brain is in a delta wave state of 4 cycles per second or less. When we are dreaming, it’s theta waves, with a slightly higher frequency, such as 7.83 cycles per second, which is the electromagnetic resonance frequency of the planet earth, called the Schumann resonance, first observed by Nikola Tesla. When we are engaged in the world with activities we are experiencing higher frequency alpha and beta waves. These are different frequencies of the brain waves that correspond to different states; deep sleep, dream, waking and even transcendence or getting in touch with what we call the soul, the spirit.

There are new technologies called biofeedback or, more correctly, neural feedback where the user is hooked up to an electroencephalograph machine (EEG) to measure brain waves, a galvanic skin response device to monitor skin electrical conductivity or monitors which measure pulse or breathing which provide a visible or audible signal when the user achieves an alpha or theta state, even for an instant. As such, these devices help guide the user into expanding the time they are in this state and maintaining it. This is work but much less work than the years it takes meditators to reliably achieve and maintain an alpha state.

I am pleased to introduce a new technology which instantly gets the user to a meditative, relaxed, dream or sleep state literally at the push of a button. If there are many paths to the top of the mountain, this is sort of like a turbo-elevator.

When I came across the technology that we now have in the Dream Weaver I was convinced that this could induce a state of deep relaxation or put some people into the dream state. The Dream Weaver uses light and sound with programs that I wrote and narrate, to induce sleep and dream states.

You put on goggles that feed light into your body at different frequencies, you hear music and there is me speaking. We started to experiment with it and I found to my amazement that actually this technology helped many of us to go into a state of dreams, many of us to go to an altered state of deep relaxation and even joy. Many of us to experience inner creativity, trigger our imagination but most importantly going to a deep state of relaxation, rest, dreams and even sleep at many occasions.

My colleague Dr. Rudolph Tanzi with whom I have co-authored Super Brain, who is a neuroscientist at Harvard and Director of the genetics lab, he and I have been using the Dream Weaver on ourselves and now we are offering it to the world. We are very excited about the Dream Weaver project. In addition to the Dream Weaver device you need a CD player, computer/laptop, smart phone or mp3 player, which hooks up to the light goggles. While this is not a medical device and it does not cause epilepsy, people who have photo-induced epilepsy or have sensitivity to light should not use this device. With the Dream Weaver, you experience the light with your eyes closed.

When you put on the device, I'm sure you will experience something very relaxing, very dreamlike and possibly put you to sleep as well. As I said, as a professional meditation teacher and somebody who has meditated most of my life, I do not believe there's a substitute for transcendence, but this is an aid to help you relax, to help you sleep and to get into a meditative state.

Learn more about Dream Weaver!

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  1. Ramesh Goyal

    Sir I am CA Ramesh Goyal from New Delhi. Can you please suggest or recommend a Doctor or medicine to treat epilepsy of my daughter via integrative medicine. Please recommend how I should get him treated in India. Regards CA Ramesh Goyal 9873128405

  2. Ramesh Goyal

    Sir I am CA Ramesh Goyal from New Delhi. Can you please suggest or recommend a Doctor or medicine to treat epilepsy of my daughter via integrative medicine. Please recommend how I should get him treated in India. Regards CA Ramesh Goyal 9873128405

  3. Ramesh Goyal

    Sir I am CA Ramesh Goyal from New Delhi. Can you please suggest or recommend a Doctor or medicine to treat epilepsy of my daughter via integrative medicine. Please recommend how I should get him treated in India. Regards CA Ramesh Goyal 9873128405

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