September 20, 2017

Loveless Marriage.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


I was reading your thoughts about the law of least effort.  Accepting people and your situation every day is a very helpful and joyful experience.  My question is that I am in a loveless and emotionally abusive marriage.  I have exhausted all means to try to make it work.  If I am to accept people and situation then how do I handle this.  Is a person supposed to stay in a relationship that is unhealthy physically and spiritually and try to accept it?  I am just trying to understand where we draw the line of acceptance.


I think you need to draw the line at your personal safety. If that is assured, then you can work on basing your actions on the reality of your situation and not your story of the reality. You may benefit from Byron Katie’s book Loving What Is. In there you will learn to discern your story and what is implied in that from what you actually know. For instance, your statement “I am in a loveless marriage” You can ask yourself, “Is that true?” and “Can I absolutely know that to be true?” Then ask yourself, “How does it feel to believe that ‘I am in a loveless marriage?’” What would you feel like without that belief?  Then she outlines a process called turning it around in which you can recognize how you create your narrative. Once you have found a way to feel at peace with reality, then you will be in a position to make a clear-minded and open-hearted decision about what you would like to do.



Write Your Comment

  1. Denita McDade

    I like how you break that down. I will look into Byron Katie's book as well.

  2. Denita McDade

    I like how you break that down. I will look into Byron Katie's book as well.

  3. Denita McDade

    I like how you break that down. I will look into Byron Katie's book as well.

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