November 20, 2015

Longtime Friend.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.



Dear Deepak,

Please help me, since I’ve been struggling with a dilemma. I have changed and spiritually grown in the last 9 years. I enjoy everything my spiritual re-discovery brought in my life. I shine wherever I go, I listen and offer help to whoever is in need. I have created and I am creating my life exactly as I want it to be. My dilemma is… What do I do with my longtime friend, who “stayed behind” my growth and with whom I sense jealousy and maybe some anger since I’m not at the same “level” as she is? Do I stay, and fight through the negativity or do I get away and welcome some new, similar thinking people in my life? I do not want to heart her, but I am exhausted pretending I am “the old me” when with her. I feel fake and I do not like the feeling of pretending and hiding behind the mask.

Please, help me!


If your present interests and values no longer align with your friend’s, then let that aspect of the friendship be. There is no use in pretending to be someone you no longer are.  But you can still remain friendly on the basis of her deeper nature, beyond the level of old habits and associations. Appreciate and enjoy her on a soul level, and don’t focus on what you no longer share in common.



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  1. Erica RN

    Thank you for extensively educating me on meditation and the power of being in the Now. I now understand the power and energy of spiritual substance thanks to leaders such as yourself. Thank you for including me in the powerful sessions of summoning the utmost energy through Community desire... Mega Group focused, strategized access of the All encompassing All!!!! That is the essence of what is required!!! The essence and desire of the masses to work towards true fulfillment .

  2. Erica RN

    Thank you for extensively educating me on meditation and the power of being in the Now. I now understand the power and energy of spiritual substance thanks to leaders such as yourself. Thank you for including me in the powerful sessions of summoning the utmost energy through Community desire... Mega Group focused, strategized access of the All encompassing All!!!! That is the essence of what is required!!! The essence and desire of the masses to work towards true fulfillment .

  3. Erica RN

    Thank you for extensively educating me on meditation and the power of being in the Now. I now understand the power and energy of spiritual substance thanks to leaders such as yourself. Thank you for including me in the powerful sessions of summoning the utmost energy through Community desire... Mega Group focused, strategized access of the All encompassing All!!!! That is the essence of what is required!!! The essence and desire of the masses to work towards true fulfillment .

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