February 1, 2016

Life Purpose.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


How can I know my Divine life purpose and soul mission? I’m lost.


Start by recognizing that you are living your purpose even if you don’t understand or know what it is. Your life purpose is always about coming into conscious recognition of the unlimited and ever-present of your true self. So purpose is primarily about your being, not your actions. When your career, beliefs and behavior arise from your inner being, then those things can change   even while your life purpose remains unchanged.

If you focus on consciously living in the present moment using your unique talents to be of service to others, then you will automatically be following your soul mission.



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  1. Tripta Dewan

    How can a being be without action as you said the purpose is about being.What about noble actions of thoughts and deeds.Being in true self at times becomes very difficult when people around you are judgemental and are even jealous of your good behavior and talents.And one tends to catch their vibrations which takes you to false self . Anyway thanks Deepak for guiding time to time

  2. Tripta Dewan

    How can a being be without action as you said the purpose is about being.What about noble actions of thoughts and deeds.Being in true self at times becomes very difficult when people around you are judgemental and are even jealous of your good behavior and talents.And one tends to catch their vibrations which takes you to false self . Anyway thanks Deepak for guiding time to time

  3. Tripta Dewan

    How can a being be without action as you said the purpose is about being.What about noble actions of thoughts and deeds.Being in true self at times becomes very difficult when people around you are judgemental and are even jealous of your good behavior and talents.And one tends to catch their vibrations which takes you to false self . Anyway thanks Deepak for guiding time to time

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April 29, 2014

Life Purpose.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


Dear Deepak,
Concerning dharma. How do I know my life’s purpose? I have my own company, a happy family and I make enough money to live a good life. I have plenty of spare time to do what I love to do and I´m really trying to find something that gives my life a meaning. The problem is I like to do a lot of different things. I don´t feel I´m extremely good at just one thing I´m just pretty good at doing whatever. I don´t have a burning desire to do just one thing. How do I find my life’s purpose? It feels like I have "find my dharma" but I don't know how. Grateful for help.


Living your dharma does not have to mean having a clear vision of your life purpose or having a burning passion or world-class talent. Everyone’s dharma derives from their Being, or state of consciousness, not their external actions. You know you are following your spiritual path if you feel connected to your source consciousness and that consciousness is flowing easily into your life activities. So if you enjoy the work you do with your company and have a loving and happy family life, then you are already living your dharma. Your life is expanding in happiness, love and understanding, so you have already found your life purpose.


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  1. HeroKreations

    I don`t feel that anyone of us has a purpose that overrides the path of the universal spirit that connects us all. Rather, I feel we are used to forward that greater purpose. There is a scripture in the Bible that says, "All things work to the good for those who Love Yahweh." If this true, I believe we can afford to be less ego centric and more heliocentric when it comes to uncovering our purpose. Perhaps, we can do a more personal detailed investigation of our own heart and ask if it is in fact, a loving nature that exists in us. Purpose always becomes more clear when we are conscious of who we are.

  2. Hanna

    Concerning dharma. How do I know my life’s purpose? I want write here because I feel very concern by the question and today I feel able to speak about.In fact I can still hear the words I prononced about 3 years ago: "my life has any purpose" Many happened since that time. I met friends who encouraged me to engaged body, mind and spirit into real "Universal Ture" and finaly I re-made a world, get it and it set me free. Few weeks ago I read a sentence "your life`s purpose is YOU" ;) everything you are, you feel and you do .. Of course we are everybody beautiful beings and everybody we have only beautiful intentions in life - this is the first and for sure and it already make a purpose. The only thing is our vulnerability to face the own beauty within. It is vide and complex program where everything is about willing to be,knowladge to do and sharing. Knowladge of vulnerabilities processes that is one of the most important factors we are facing. And here we are not alone ! We have a chance to meet people like Deepak and all his friends who knows and have choosed to be open and share. They should recive Nobel Peace prize for everything they do. They have such a powerful tools but most of all illimited compassion and love to spread to everyone. To us take a decicion. So I would say "my life`s purpose is ME" today, I can stand up and take it and make it shine in every action I can only imagine. And I promes I do. and I will do for you

  3. Arwa Mohammad

    The purpose of life as I understand is to worship Allah :worship gives strengeth and happiness wisdom and balance among all aspects of human ,since you are obeying the Most Wise,ALMIGHTY,SUSTAINER,Mercy ,ALL KNOWING.

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December 2, 2013

Life Purpose.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


How to find purpose? I've meditated, done the gratitude journaling, and many other practices mentioned by you and other great thought leaders. I've felt lost for a very long time, close to 40 years. I really have no clue what my purpose could be. I will follow signs, walk through open doors, take opportunities and they fall completely apart. I get left feeling like a failure, feeling inadequate and worthless. Those are my interpretations of course and I own them but none-the-less I feel it. I've tried tapping and affirmations to clear old memes and still here we are. Nothing ever strikes me as "A Calling" I do things just to make a living and even when I feel like something is joyful and inspiring I realize I've followed what someone else thinks I should be doing. I just have NO CLUE. I'm very lost and tragically at my rock bottom. I don't know what else to do.


It good to remember that following your life purpose is simple the outer activity through which we gain self-knowledge. Our dharma is the means through which our consciousness unfolds naturally. For most people there is a set of labels that clarifies these activities- mother, teacher, doctor, musician, etc… For some like you, there are no simple labels to describe their journey of self-awareness. Your dharma is more like an improvisational dance rather than learning the steps of a waltz. For you, looking for the answer for what you are supposed to do in life will be frustrating and confusing because what you are supposed to be doing does not have a simple answer. Rather it is about learning to creatively respond to your life situation at each moment. Embrace this model of your life purpose and I think you will start to feel more free and relaxed, and the passion for life will emerge from that.


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  1. Danielle dove

    When overwhelmed and the path isn`t clear it`s important to do nothing. Truly. Make no haste decisions. Sit and breathe. Go for a walk. The purpose can be to accept the now. Start small. And just be here and now. You describe tapping and affirmations...have you tried surrendering in meditation to a higher power you love to connect to? Answers will come to you when you surrender and accept your current situation. Surrendering and letting go is the first step to remembering my `why`.... Good luck!

  2. patricia

    I share and empathize with the decades of struggling, learning and searching without the "reward" of answers unfolding. To help myself feel better I try to remember that the emptiness and frustration after years of self discovery work does not diminish the importance of doing that work, even if we never get the answers we were hoping for about the purpose.

  3. ayn

    I agree with Mr Chopra. In addition to what he says, I might add, that the affirmations, meditations and other processes are not working for the questioner because everything he/she is doing is deeply rooted in lack of self worth. The actions maybe amazing, but the feeling with which he/she is doing them is self worth, hence that is what he/she always feels in the end. No matter what he/she does, even if it is something very great, he/she may end up feeling lost or failed. In reality, he/she may not have failed, but he identifies his self worth with outer actions, and that is why he/she is not getting fulfilled in anything, bcz the inner fulfillment is missing. The inner fulfillment can be experienced when you are able to connect to your self in entirety. When you are complete with your own self. So, it might be worthwhile to contemplate & investigate on what is causing this lack of self worth. This is what deepens self awareness. These feelings often stem from some childhood incidents which we have forgotten. Once the wounds can be found, cathartic meditations help in the healing of the wounds. Once the wounds in the past are healed, the present, and hence the future, also fall into place. Please feel free to mssg me if you wish to ask something in what I said. And if you feel like what I said doesnt make sense, plz feel free to ignore it. Blissfully, ~Ananda Yoganandini

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January 30, 2012

Life Purpose.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


During almost all my teenage and adult life,( I am 26 now,) I’ve had what I call a professional identity crisis. I have tried several career paths and I can't find something that I feel passionate about. What I’m ultimately looking for is that one thing that I came to this world for, my Dharma. I don't want to end up working in something just for the money. It is a probability that a professional career may not be the best place to fulfill that calling, but in the end my goal is to look for that one thing i came to do in this world.


It might be that there is no simple career that expresses your life purpose right now. Sometimes following the right path in life means living your search in your heart, while outside you do whatever job comes your way. Even later in life some people find that their life purpose is expressed in what they contribute to life outside of their career, in their relationship with family and friends, or in activities they are passionate about outside of work. So be open to how best your talents might others and contribute to a better world, it may or may not be through your career.


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  1. Grayan


  2. Happiness 1st

    Stop looking. Just look for a thought that feels better in each moment of your day, set your intention that "I will easily know that which I want to know" and keep looking for better feeling thoughts. As you begin feeling better (your thoughts will be a little better each day if you continuously look for the best feeling thought you can find in any given moment) the feeling of emptiness and lack will begin to dissipate. Then, moments of inspiration will begin coming to you more frequently. When you have thoughts that feel great in the thinking of them, that excite you and that you feel passionate about hold onto to them and think about them more. Before you know it you will KNOW your path. You have guidance from within and it lets you know when you are moving in the right direction by your emotional response to the thought you are thinking. Better feeling thoughts are going toward what you really want. Worse feeling thoughts are moving further away. It is truly that simple. Trust. Trust your guidance.

  3. Regina Rupert

    This is really interesting and I`m curious to find mines.

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