July 17, 2015

Life as School.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


There is something that bothers me a lot dear Deepak: All this talk that life is about “learning and developing” – for what? If life is like school, what is the reward? Where is the exam? And for what, another life to learn more? And then more? Please, what is the goal? Does this make sense? Kind regards


Life is not a school where we learn how to behave. And there is no examination or reward for learning your lessons.  We are here only to enjoy life through the process of self-realization. All of the relationships and circumstances of our life are simply opportunities to awaken more fully into our true self. That process of awakening is not arduous, intellectual or foreign to us. It is as close and simple as conscious breathing.



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  1. Kimberly

    OMG,am short of word my people, i don't know how to express my happiness to the world for what this great man called Dr isuenu Raj help me to gt my lover back and made him love me like never before, i never taught i could have my lover back after him breaking up with me for no reason. But i thank God for leading me to Dr isuenu Raj for helping me to reunite with my love with his powerfu llove spell, so my brothers and sisters who have been heart broken i assure you that with the help of Dr isuenu Raj, you can have your lover back because he helped me so i believe he can help anybody out there. You can contact Dr isuenu Raj through: isuenuhomeofhelpandsolutions@gmail.com or isuenuhomeofhelpandsolutions@hotmail.com you can also call him on +27619432474 Name Kimberly from United State Of America

  2. Kimberly

    OMG,am short of word my people, i don't know how to express my happiness to the world for what this great man called Dr isuenu Raj help me to gt my lover back and made him love me like never before, i never taught i could have my lover back after him breaking up with me for no reason. But i thank God for leading me to Dr isuenu Raj for helping me to reunite with my love with his powerfu llove spell, so my brothers and sisters who have been heart broken i assure you that with the help of Dr isuenu Raj, you can have your lover back because he helped me so i believe he can help anybody out there. You can contact Dr isuenu Raj through: isuenuhomeofhelpandsolutions@gmail.com or isuenuhomeofhelpandsolutions@hotmail.com you can also call him on +27619432474 Name Kimberly from United State Of America

  3. Kimberly

    OMG,am short of word my people, i don't know how to express my happiness to the world for what this great man called Dr isuenu Raj help me to gt my lover back and made him love me like never before, i never taught i could have my lover back after him breaking up with me for no reason. But i thank God for leading me to Dr isuenu Raj for helping me to reunite with my love with his powerfu llove spell, so my brothers and sisters who have been heart broken i assure you that with the help of Dr isuenu Raj, you can have your lover back because he helped me so i believe he can help anybody out there. You can contact Dr isuenu Raj through: isuenuhomeofhelpandsolutions@gmail.com or isuenuhomeofhelpandsolutions@hotmail.com you can also call him on +27619432474 Name Kimberly from United State Of America

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