February 1, 2017

Letting Go.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


I have heard it said many times that we need to let things go that have hurt us. My question is—–how do you do that? I feel deeply wounded emotionally by things that have been said to me in the past by people I love. I know those things are no longer relevant, and so I say to myself they are gone. I forgive the person who said them. I say I am free of them. But—-I am not. The same bad words come back to me, usually when I am quiet, like mental garbage I can’t dispose of. How can I really forgive the speaker and let it go? Obviously just wanting to doesn’t work.


Sometimes it takes a while to fully release old hurts. I think in your case, even though you have worked at forgiving the person and have thought about the irrelevancy of the past injuries now, you haven’t yet uncovered the self-beliefs that are holding those old injuries in place. In other words, you have allowed those comments or actions to hurt you because there is some part of your self-critical self that believes those things about you. It is that aspect of your psyche that is holding on despite your efforts. When you uncover that belief, and demonstrate to yourself that it isn’t true, then you let go of your grip on the past. Then you can forgive yourself for the whole episode, and you will truly be done with it.



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  1. Víctor Hugo Latrónico

    Dr.Chopra. This is my firts time I talk to you. I have read this and I feel identified with theese words. I was operated twice on the left ear because of a tumor called neurinoma. Finally I received radiosurgery to avoid a new formation. I was also diagnosed with epilepsy. I want to heal myself. My cuestion is, ¿ what was the emotional cause of both and what do I have to do to make them both disappear of my life? Thank you.

  2. Víctor Hugo Latrónico

    Dr.Chopra. This is my firts time I talk to you. I have read this and I feel identified with theese words. I was operated twice on the left ear because of a tumor called neurinoma. Finally I received radiosurgery to avoid a new formation. I was also diagnosed with epilepsy. I want to heal myself. My cuestion is, ¿ what was the emotional cause of both and what do I have to do to make them both disappear of my life? Thank you.

  3. Víctor Hugo Latrónico

    Dr.Chopra. This is my firts time I talk to you. I have read this and I feel identified with theese words. I was operated twice on the left ear because of a tumor called neurinoma. Finally I received radiosurgery to avoid a new formation. I was also diagnosed with epilepsy. I want to heal myself. My cuestion is, ¿ what was the emotional cause of both and what do I have to do to make them both disappear of my life? Thank you.

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