November 30, 2015

Leaving Normal Life.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


I had an unexpected and unplanned opportunity to enroll in a yoga teacher training course a few months ago . I jumped in at the opportunity and have never looked back. It was like the chapter was written for me and my character had to jump in to complete the story. My entire perspective of life is changing as I learn more and more each week. I will be completing the course next month.

But, what I have been noticing is that the more and more I dwell into the world of yoga, the more and more I feel that I am going farther away from the “normal” world. Normal feels alien to me nowadays and I feel that there is something greater and nobler beyond this weak normal . At this point, Idol worship seems unnecessary. Celebrating festivals seems unnecessary and a waste of energy and time. What is the point in doing all of these activities when you are getting aware that these are not what will lead you to realize The Truth. Service to others will and that is where the mind keeps going. People around can sense the difference too. Some days , I think , if attaining the state of Samadhi/enlightenment or learning the truth is the ultimate reason that we are born here, what are we doing pursuing so many other activities/desires which are basically taking our time away from our search for the truth. Karma , you will say. But, Is this why some people just drop everything and walk out ,” searching for the truth?” . Is this a normal phase of stepping onto the yogic path? – A very bewildered yogini.:)


The ease with which you have moved into the “world of yoga” shows that you were ready to grow beyond the limits of your old life, so it’s no surprise that the old, normal life may now feel  odd or alien now.  Your passion to go straight to the truth without getting distracted by other activities and desires is admirable.  That is the path of gyana yoga, or the path of knowledge. But what you may not realize yet is that there are different paths to the truth for different types of people. The  path of action/service is karma yoga, and  the path of love and devotion is bhakti yoga. For those people their path is just as fast, and direct a path to the truth as the path  you have found.  And as we travel further down our path we reenchant our old normal life with joy, beauty and vitality.



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  1. Afshan Jamali

    I go wd my own spritual paranormal guidance and telepathic communication wd my spirit guides ..I'm metaphysically oriented and my angels ascendant masters guides me assist me and showing me the right way to walk and get ahead to the higher dimensional awarenes to achieve my spritual paths and goals..I feel major shifts and awakenings since 2012..i think a person who are awake automatically through upgrading the DNA thay should take benefits from their own awakenings instead of to find some one to teach..people who search teachers thay are not still awake...and who are fortunately reaching to the higher dimensional awareness thay should create their own realities by the God gifted one has the same experiences in spirituality ever one has their own different perceptions and experiences in spritual abilities...but In spite of that deepak jee is the light for whom who wants to aware and love to awake...He is a great guy and teacher for those who have thirst to learn and gain knowledge and that amazing miraculas knowledge only deepak jee can give..

  2. Afshan Jamali

    I go wd my own spritual paranormal guidance and telepathic communication wd my spirit guides ..I'm metaphysically oriented and my angels ascendant masters guides me assist me and showing me the right way to walk and get ahead to the higher dimensional awarenes to achieve my spritual paths and goals..I feel major shifts and awakenings since 2012..i think a person who are awake automatically through upgrading the DNA thay should take benefits from their own awakenings instead of to find some one to teach..people who search teachers thay are not still awake...and who are fortunately reaching to the higher dimensional awareness thay should create their own realities by the God gifted one has the same experiences in spirituality ever one has their own different perceptions and experiences in spritual abilities...but In spite of that deepak jee is the light for whom who wants to aware and love to awake...He is a great guy and teacher for those who have thirst to learn and gain knowledge and that amazing miraculas knowledge only deepak jee can give..

  3. Afshan Jamali

    I go wd my own spritual paranormal guidance and telepathic communication wd my spirit guides ..I'm metaphysically oriented and my angels ascendant masters guides me assist me and showing me the right way to walk and get ahead to the higher dimensional awarenes to achieve my spritual paths and goals..I feel major shifts and awakenings since 2012..i think a person who are awake automatically through upgrading the DNA thay should take benefits from their own awakenings instead of to find some one to teach..people who search teachers thay are not still awake...and who are fortunately reaching to the higher dimensional awareness thay should create their own realities by the God gifted one has the same experiences in spirituality ever one has their own different perceptions and experiences in spritual abilities...but In spite of that deepak jee is the light for whom who wants to aware and love to awake...He is a great guy and teacher for those who have thirst to learn and gain knowledge and that amazing miraculas knowledge only deepak jee can give..

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