March 4, 2020

Late Motherhood.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


I was raised in a home where verbal assault, and sometimes physical assault, was regular. Although I am now over 50, I unfortunately retain an aggressive nature.  I raised my first three children with impatience and an overly-firm hand. I now have a late-life child and for her sake, as well as my own, I don’t want to continue the destructive cycle of impatience and hyper-aggressiveness.  I believe that after all this time of living in high-stress, it has become part of my physical and spiritual being — an addiction.  How, through food, meditation and balancing, can I reverse the damage to myself and avoid damaging my precious baby?  I want to live a peaceful, joyful, energetic, and “living in the moment” life.  How?


The biggest factor is your conscious intention now to be a more gentle and compassionate mom. Given that you have awareness of your old  childrearing habits and shortcomings that is the first step in freeing yourself of the past and creating a new experience.

Meditation will certainly aid in this transformation, but to help implement your new mothering intentions, you need to create an environment and support system that will reinforce your behavior and make it easy to establish new habits.



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June 25, 2012

Late Motherhood.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


I was raised in a home where verbal assault, and sometimes physical assault, was regular. Although I am now over 50, I unfortunately retain an aggressive nature. I raised my first three children with impatience and an overly-firm hand. I now have a late-life child and for her sake, as well as my own, I don't want to continue the destructive cycle of impatience and hyper-aggressiveness. I believe that after all this time of living in high-stress, it has become part of my physical and spiritual being — an addiction. How, through food, meditation and balancing, can I reverse the damage to myself and avoid damaging my precious baby? I want to live a peaceful, joyful, energetic, and "living in the moment" life. How?


The biggest factor is your conscious intention now to be a more gentle and compassionate mom. Given that you have awareness of your old childrearing habits and shortcomings that is the first step in freeing yourself of the past and creating a new experience.
Meditation will certainly aid in this transformation, but to help implement your new mothering intentions, you need to create an environment and support system that will reinforce your behavior and make it easy to establish new habits.


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  1. steffoster

    I sympathize on so many levels... One thing that has helped me to imagine how God/spiritual Father `corrects` us with gentleness and empathy - yet firmly. It`s important to discipline our children but it needs to come from a place of love. Always be ready to forgive your child their transgressions, but not to the point of spoiling them rotten. I make firm rules and if they get broken then something (ideally of great value to them) gets taken away for X amount of time. That punishment works better than spanking. However a 2-3 yr old sometimes won`t respond. Super Nanny has a book and there`s another book "The Mom I Want To Be" both helped me to not repeat the verbal and physical abuse I endured as a child. I also give tons of hugs and kisses and cuddle and read every single day. My mother never told me she loved me or hugged me. I always felt that if I screwed up, I would NEVER be forgiven. If I ever regress and spank or yell excessively, I actually tell my children I am sorry and ask their forgiveness. I tell them how angry they made me because of XYZ and that I shouldn`t have gotten so angry. Showing your own humility and teaching them forgiveness is also important.

  2. Peter

    Get this book: Parenting from the inside out by Daniel Siegel

  3. Poonam Dronamraju

    I forgot to add to my previous comment, I think the most effort that I have put in my relationship with my son is giving him love. Holding him, hugs, kisses, caring for him. Even if I had just an hour of sleep if the baby woke up I would take the greatest interest in caring for him. Love is the best healer of everything, in all forms. I think that is where the emotional bond is formed, not just because we are the birth mother but the love, caring and being full immersed into being with our child continues. Love and Peace!

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