April 20, 2020

Keeping It Simple.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


Over the past couple years I have been working to integrate a new health regimen into my life that includes meditation, yoga and Ayurvedic health practices.  However, while these practices are supposed to help me achieve balance, I’ve found that there seem to be so many things that I am supposed to do to maintain well-being that I accumulate stress when I can’t do it all.  Trying to juggle a healthy lifestyle while having a 9-5 job during the week and also working everyday towards my goals and dreams seems near impossible.  I find myself fretting constantly about what things are the most important for me right now in my life and I find that there are too many to complete all at once. 

How can we achieve health and balance while working towards our dreams at the same time without accumulating stress from trying to do it all?



If you don’t have time to do everything, stick to the basics and add in what is comfortable. That means meditation and  whatever Ayurvedic  techniques that are most effective for your health (such as abhyanga,) and that only take a couple of minutes to do. It’s better to do one healthy thing in a relaxed and conscious way than it is to do 3 things in a rushed and scattered frame of mind. 



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July 3, 2012

Keeping It Simple.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


Over the past couple years I have been working to integrate a new health regimen into my life that includes meditation, yoga and Ayurvedic health practices. However, while these practices are supposed to help me achieve balance, I've found that there seem to be so many things that I am supposed to do to maintain well-being that I accumulate stress when I can't do it all. Trying to juggle a healthy lifestyle while having a 9-5 job during the week and also working everyday towards my goals and dreams seems near impossible. I find myself fretting constantly about what things are the most important for me right now in my life and I find that there are too many to complete all at once. How can we achieve health and balance while working towards our dreams at the same time without accumulating stress from trying to do it all?


If you don’t have time to do everything, stick to the basics and add in what is comfortable. That means meditation and whatever Ayurvedic techniques that are most effective for your health (such as abhyanga,) and that only take a couple of minutes to do. It’s better to do one healthy thing in a relaxed and conscious way than it is to do 3 things in a rushed and scattered frame of mind.


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  1. Daniel Norvell

    Hmmm Lay back and watch it go by!

  2. Esmeralda Sahagun

    thank you so much for remind me that!

  3. Live_ur_passion

    Hello Deepak, This is my first posting ever for advise.. I struggle to find peace and constantly revert to anger when I see the person I deeply care about does something opposite of what was promised. Though I know I need to first accept the person with all their imperfection ( as I have them too) still I cannot stop from getting angry when the promise is not kept. I am expecting too much ?

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