July 29, 2013



When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


Dear Deepak Ji, I am a firm believer of the philosophy of Karma and that conscious actions shape consequences. Lately, I have come across this dilemma that Karma only impacts our next life. What are your views on it? Does Karma impact our present life or does it keep accumulating for the next life? If it does impact our present life, then in what ways? Thanks!


Karma is not neatly packaged for specific times. The effects of karma are determined by how intense the originating event or experience is and by how free your consciousness is from the binding influence of that action. Whatever karma you generate in the present life will certainly impact you and whatever karma you do not resolve or transcend now, will accumulate until a time comes where you can resolve it later.


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  1. Ask Deepak

    If the result of Karma is transcend now, is it possible not to resolve in future also?

  2. Goretti Mugambwa

    How can we change our Karma? If the past was horrible, can`t we become better human beings?

  3. Monica Martinez Vargas

    I can only recommend LOVE is the only cure for EVERYTHING!!

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June 13, 2013



When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


Dear Deepak, My question is about karma. If for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction, is it possible to spread good karma without creating "bad" karma simultaneously?


The philosophy of karma is that actions have consequences upon the actor depending on their intention and level of awareness. Loving, compassionate actions will return as ‘good karma’ and selfish, hateful actions will result in ‘bad karma.’


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  1. soul

    Hi, I would like to be friend with some of your followers below. How do I get in touch. Please advise.@Mdillon can you please provide your twitter id thank you.

  2. Ruth Cymbalista

    Karma is even an process of learning

  3. Peter Chalmers

    Bad karma come from the heart....perhaps a confused heart....

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March 16, 2012



When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


How do I know what are the karmas I have to work out for myself? Is it up to me- is it possible to get it wrong- to think the karma I have to work out is one thing and it's actually another.


Karma in your life is automatically organized from a subconscious level of your psyche according to what you need to experience and when it needs to happen. Sometimes what you need to work out in terms of health issues or relationship problems is obvious, and sometimes it isn’t, but if it has manifested in your life , then it is there to work out.


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  1. Rita

    How would you get rid of dizziness when you have tested medically and all results are normal.

  2. Rita

    How would you get rid of dizziness when you have tested medically and all results are normal.

  3. Rita

    How would you get rid of dizziness when you have tested medically and all results are normal.

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