Is it possible to retrain my mind?.
When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.
“Is it possible to retrain my mind to think about more constructive things?
I spend a lot of time ruminating about pointless nonsense.
I no longer have any use for those kinds of thoughts beyond ego needs.
It’s more of a habit for me and I have to consciously stop them when they surface.
Will there come a time when they’ll just subside or is this something I just have to purposely deal with for the rest of my life?
Thank you in advance for your feedback.”
Yes, it is certainly possible to retrain your mind.
You have already taken the most important step in seeing the thoughts as a habit that is no longer serving your best interests.
That shows a level of self-awareness and a degree of detachment from the thoughts.
The next step after conscious awareness is recognizing that you have other options to choose from outside your old mental habits, and then choosing one.
That’s slightly different than trying to stop the old thoughts.
The distinction is that we can’t really use our willpower or intention to stop thoughts, because that intention itself is another thought.
What we want to do is give our mind another direction to move in, a constructive direction that supports our well-being.
If you have an emotional motivation for this new direction of thinking, then the new mental pattern will soon replace the old habits.