July 29, 2012

Higher Purpose.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.

You have a higher purpose. Seize every moment with renewed creativity, not clinging to the old and outworn.

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  1. John Barnes

    My current job no longer serves my highest purpose, which is creating music. How can I get out of the rat race cycle and focus solely on my art? How can I manifest a new set of more relevant circumstances, so that I can focus on writing my current album without being continually thrown off track by my day job?

  2. Beryl Ross

    Wow, been feeling this and i am now on that journey, learning all I can about healing and consciousness. Love, love, love ... yourself and others ... and forgive always, it helps you to heal.

  3. Shefali Bakshi Sharma

    absolutely true am doing just that...

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February 27, 2012

Higher Purpose.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.

To find your higher purpose never sink to the level of those who criticize or oppose you.

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  1. Erman Geçer

    That`s what i need!

  2. Kristine Lutz

    Thank you However it hurt my heart. Just when my light was shining the brightest. Oh:(

  3. Patrice Kirk

    Thank you, and I agree but i have a question: How do you combat the resentment, jealousy, and criticism of those around you?

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