August 18, 2020
Ask Deepak

Headaches and Bad Moods After Meditation.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


I’ve been questioning God’s existence for a long time, then I heard your audiobook “How to Know God” and “Seven Spiritual Laws of Success” I’m strongly convinced about being our own source of power, I’ve been practicing  silence and not judging, it’s amazing! However, sometimes after my silence practice, I feel really bad, headaches, dizziness and at some point the last two days I’ve felt even in horrible humour. There isn’t any reason, during my meditation everything is going ok. My life is different, I look at people and feel an amazing love and tenderness. I’m asking this because I just can’t find an explanation to this physical badness and bad humour episodes. What can I do? Thanks very much for your advice!


This reaction of headaches and irritability after meditation  is almost always due to coming out of that silent state  too quickly. The discomfort and bad mood is from the unfinished process of stress release that is still continuing after meditation.  Even if you don’t feel especially deep at the end of your practice, it is important not to jump up immediately into activity. Take at least 2 or 3 minutes to transition gradually into activity before you open your eyes and stand up. If you feel that you are releasing a lot of old conditioning, then take even longer to come out of meditation. Even lie down and rest for five minutes if you feel like it. That transition period will allow the residual stress to dissipate and you can then get up feeling refreshed and relaxed.



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