February 12, 2015

God’s Response.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


Dear Deepak,
I had a terrible 2014 it was a total nightmare. I have been meditating and having a positive attitude when I wake up every morning. I have been praying to God and the Universe to please help me and show me the way to a more positive life. The other day I had laid down to take a nap in the afternoon and when I woke up I had such a feeling of peace come over me and stay with me for quite a while. I know now that all will be all right no matter how it works out because it will work out the way it is supposed to. My question is was this God’s response to my prayers? Since then good things have been happening that I never imagined and I am so very grateful and thankful.


Whether it was actually God responding is difficult to say. But the response seemed to come up from within your Being while you were in a deep state of peace. The response had the character of your own essential truth revealing itself to you, so it is as good as God’s response.



Write Your Comment

  1. Tere Ortega


  2. Mark Manzella

    Poor old deepak

  3. Lilian Cedeño

    Dear Deepak, I take this opportunity to say THANKS THANKS THANKS.....I haved serious struggle with my health and with my live in general , thanks to you books, audios and videos I GO FORWARD now . I overcome a cancer (2001) and fibromialgy 2008-2013 ( I am still breakthrough in this last one) ...your wisdom help me to understand my mind -body and soul....

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