June 20, 2015

Glimpses of Truth.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


Deepak, for many years now I have been experiencing what seem to be thoughts, but they are thoughts that I only get to see once. They are not thoughts that I can grasp/cling to and they are always of a higher perspective I would say, like quick flashes of insight. But I can’t seem to consciously recall them afterwards, like I immediately forget what they were. Are these being absorbed on a deeper level and can you help me understand this? Thank you for your wisdom you have provided in past.


These are early indications of expanded understanding—the early glimmers of awakening. You don’t need to try to conceptualize them or try to bring them into sharper focus. That will happen naturally when the experiences are more mature, like the blossoming of a flower.



Write Your Comment

  1. Eshantha Samarasekera

    To my understanding thoughts are oxygen to the mind. Mind is the base for consciousness to generate karmic energy. In Theravada Buddhism thoughts create attachment to the material world and drive the cycle of rebirth, and are imbued with desire, aversion and delusion. A meditator who watches their thoughts skillfully is able to let go of the thoughts. Detachment from thoughts is required for liberation from the cycle of rebirth.

  2. Eshantha Samarasekera

    To my understanding thoughts are oxygen to the mind. Mind is the base for consciousness to generate karmic energy. In Theravada Buddhism thoughts create attachment to the material world and drive the cycle of rebirth, and are imbued with desire, aversion and delusion. A meditator who watches their thoughts skillfully is able to let go of the thoughts. Detachment from thoughts is required for liberation from the cycle of rebirth.

  3. Eshantha Samarasekera

    To my understanding thoughts are oxygen to the mind. Mind is the base for consciousness to generate karmic energy. In Theravada Buddhism thoughts create attachment to the material world and drive the cycle of rebirth, and are imbued with desire, aversion and delusion. A meditator who watches their thoughts skillfully is able to let go of the thoughts. Detachment from thoughts is required for liberation from the cycle of rebirth.

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