January 19, 2012

Giving Up.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


I suffer and have suffered from numerous traumatic experiences throughout the course of my life. I have sought help in therapy and have not been able to do the work that I need to do in a thorough and complete way. I saw one therapist for a long time and he was the best, now I have seen quite a few more, as he will not work with me anymore. I realize that you have said many times that suicide is not a means of ending life, and that it is a psychotic response. I feel so incredibly hopeless because the truth is that the time for me to have reversed and worked on my issues has expired. I will not be in any intimate relationships, I have used up all of my dreams and hopes, my past and its patterns have destroyed all possibilities. In this case would you think that physician assisted suicide is an alternative, if so do you think that the universe would understand my need to end the crippling pain?


You must find another therapist even if they aren’t as good as the first one was. You feel like your situation is hopeless because the time for healing it has passed. That’s nonsense. There is no fixed shelf life for healing emotional trauma. No matter how intransigent these issues feel, they are finite conditioning upon your infinite unconditioned true self. Never forget that healing is always available. You can never use up all your hopes and dreams and your past cannot destroy all your possibilities. Your real self is the source of all creativity and all possibilities. That cannot be destroyed by anything, least of all the conditioning from our past. Begin a meditation practice so that you can experience and know your higher self directly, so that you can develop a authentic self beyond your fears and pains from the past.


Write Your Comment

  1. Dr. A

    Dear Dr. , my opinion in wanting the best for you is to as soon as possible , (now) change institutions , this guy sounds like a jerk who will always try to block you, find a better environment, for your sake and your family wit hyour qualifications , you have options, , do it , you will never regret it and you know what? , life is short , love you, Philip

  2. nicholas

    What is Deepak Chopra`s view on suicide?

  3. Dr.Zobaida Akhter

    1.I am an Associate professor of an public university. my VC is a man of negative charector, he is not giving me promotion because of power conflict. He think I am more capable than any other and vocal. For four years I am waiting . I know meditation, which i could do for my promotion? 2. my liver become little bit fatty and counting is high, I have hypothroid and suger level is in boarder line. What can i do for this? 3.i have a sleep disturbance 4. At present, age 55, i do not feel happy, i feel regret to think about past, It seems to me my husband never happy with me, he has some outside relation, though we had an affair marriage. 5. My younger daughter`s hair is becoming thin, she is 25, i always feel anxious about her hair. She likes a guy for four years, but she does not know whether he lliloves her, they are good friend. I want that they get marry, what can i do for her in prayer/ Last of all I want to become blissful, happy, satisfied, grateful to God what I have and my daughter`s happiness. I want to get a clear idea about the feelings of my husband. I am your great admirer. kindly reply

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