April 5, 2019

Giving to others.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


Every time I’m in my car and drive up to an intersection with a beggar, I’m caught in a moral dilemma, namely, whether or not to give something such as food or small change. I feel this to be a dilemma for the following reasons: First, if I’m giving money, I don’t know whether or not it’s going to be used for good or for vices such as drugs and alcohol, in which case I’m not helping the person at all. But second and more importantly, by giving food or money, am I not teaching the beggar to keep coming back to beg, and thereby similarly exacerbating his/her condition? (I know if I offered them a job this would not be the case, but I’m not in a position to do so yet). Third, if I’m giving out of guilt, then I give to assuage my own guilt, and am thus ultimately thinking of myself and not what’s best, in the long term, for the beggar. I find myself confused and not knowing what to do each time I am in this situation. I would be grateful for any perspectives you may be able to offer.


You have only given reasons why you are reluctant to give spare change to those at intersections, but you clearly want to give or think you should give, or it wouldn’t bother you. So, what you need to consider is what giving really means to you. That is more important than what they do with your pocket change or what lesson you think are teaching.

If you find you like giving for its own sake, then keep some change handy and give it away when you see someone in need. Do it because it makes you feel good, not because if you don’t you’ll feel guilty.  Being in a position of help someone, even slightly, is a fortunate position to be in and it should be a joy to help when you can, not a moral burden.



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