June 17, 2015

Genuine Gratitude.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.

“Genuine gratitude is one of the most powerful ways to invite goodness into your life” – Deepak Chopra

Genuine gratitude is more than a fleeting feeling.

Oprah and Deepak reveal the secrets to making gratitude an effortless, joyful state of being in Manifesting Grace through Gratitude.

Register today for this online meditation experience beginning July 13th!

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  1. William Polson

    Oprah Winfrey Deepak Chopra are related by great wealth and The worship of money is self evident. ...we are not supposed to hate those who have everything and so many have little or nothing but remember these two had endured great suffering and hardships and deserve to have more than anyone else. ...It's just too sad that they forgot where they came from. ..please Pray for all Enlightenment as at that time money GOLD AND SILVER AND PRECIOUS METALS AND STONES AND PRICELESS ARTIFACTS WILL no longer be sanctified as true wealth AMEN

  2. William Polson

    Oprah Winfrey Deepak Chopra are related by great wealth and The worship of money is self evident. ...we are not supposed to hate those who have everything and so many have little or nothing but remember these two had endured great suffering and hardships and deserve to have more than anyone else. ...It's just too sad that they forgot where they came from. ..please Pray for all Enlightenment as at that time money GOLD AND SILVER AND PRECIOUS METALS AND STONES AND PRICELESS ARTIFACTS WILL no longer be sanctified as true wealth AMEN

  3. William Polson

    Oprah Winfrey Deepak Chopra are related by great wealth and The worship of money is self evident. ...we are not supposed to hate those who have everything and so many have little or nothing but remember these two had endured great suffering and hardships and deserve to have more than anyone else. ...It's just too sad that they forgot where they came from. ..please Pray for all Enlightenment as at that time money GOLD AND SILVER AND PRECIOUS METALS AND STONES AND PRICELESS ARTIFACTS WILL no longer be sanctified as true wealth AMEN

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