October 19, 2022
Ask Deepak



When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


When we talk about forgiveness we often hear that the person we need to forgive did not have enough consciousness and awareness in that moment to act differently. “When you know better, you do better” …But if that person knows what is the right choice and still does wrong. How can you forgive? Thank you!!!


Knowing better is not just a question of being aware that one line of action has more desirable outcomes than another. Our actions are based on our level of consciousness, which is the sum total of our degree of awakening, our past tendencies and our habits. You can forgive another for their shortcomings because they have only acted from the level of their capacity. Holding a grudge affects no one but you. Your choice to forgive is in recognizing that fact and deciding you do not want to live with the toxicity of harboring ill feelings in your heart pretending that they could act otherwise.



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