April 18, 2018

Finding Spiritual Self-Acceptance.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


I just watched your video on the Wizard that we all carry within us.  Throughout the film I felt very connected to what was you said.  I have had many coincidences happen in my life.  Lately there seem to be more and more.  And yet I find myself maybe at the saddest point in my life.  I am more aware of life’s potential, of my potential.  And in so, I am much harder on myself for not being where I feel I should be, spiritually, physically and consciously.  When most aware I find myself in a place between self compassion and self rejection. My heart is full of love, and at the same time I cannot overcome my current state.  As I see life unravelling itself in front of me, I am overwhelmed by it.  Overwhelmed by how far I have drifted from my origin, from the state which I am searching to reach.  We come from a Universal place.  And yet I am devastated to see how close I am and at the same time how far I seem to be from it.  I am not sure if I have found my calling, as I am a creative person, yet I feel I am a burden upon life, more than a service.  I guess my question would be, where do I find the courage to transcend the stage I am in?  How do we unlock the gates of our hearts?  


It’s no surprise that you become sad when you compare your current state of life to your ideal spiritual potential. That is a tried and true recipe for misery. Whenever we compare ourselves to some future possibility we are exercising the ego’s power to make us feel bad, and that detracts from your power to transform into your full potential.

When you recognize that you are starting to feel overwhelmed by not being where you think you should be, stop and tell yourself, you are here right now, and that is precisely where you need to be. There is nothing to be gained from saying you are close or far from enlightenment. Enlightenment is a state of consciousness with full self-awareness in the present, it is not a destination at some measurable distance in the future.

To be there, you simply need to be–be fully conscious in the present moment. That includes the qualities of compassion, love and connectedness you are already experiencing. You only need to now internalize those qualities to include yourself in that love and compassion.



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  1. Denita McDade

    She read my mind with this question, and your Response was so powerful. "Enlightenment is a state of consciousness with full self-awareness in the present, it is not a destination".. I need to print that out, and post it throughout my walls, car, place of employment. It's so hard to feel so close, yet so distant from where you want to be. To feel enlightened, yet more aware of your unused potential is a double edge sword. Thank you!

  2. Denita McDade

    She read my mind with this question, and your Response was so powerful. "Enlightenment is a state of consciousness with full self-awareness in the present, it is not a destination".. I need to print that out, and post it throughout my walls, car, place of employment. It's so hard to feel so close, yet so distant from where you want to be. To feel enlightened, yet more aware of your unused potential is a double edge sword. Thank you!

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