February 19, 2012

Finding a Guru.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.

Dear Dr. Chopra, I've been practicing meditating for nearly one year and since then I have wanted to be a Maharishi disciple. However I heard from my father that Maharishi said that people need to find a guru that is physically alive. How can we find our guru? and is it necessary for enlightenment?

There have been individuals in the past who have attained enlightenment without a teacher, but for most of us, having a spiritual guide who has traveled the path and can show us way will make the journey much quicker and easier. As for whether the guru needs to be alive – well, it certainly makes communication and clearing up doubts much easier when the teacher can be asked directly. But some teachers like Maharishi Mahesh Yogi have laid out their knowledge in such a comprehensive way so as to guide the aspirant without them being dependent upon the physical presence of the teacher for their enlightenment. Finding your teacher is easy; follow your heart and the appropriate teacher or teaching will be there.

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  1. Valery

    The disciple is in the heart of the teacher, the real teacher is the manifestation of the enlightened Mind in itself always present to guide us and to manifest in the way we need it in that exact moment and in accordance to our level of understanding. Buddha followed the heart of pure compassion when he saw the suffering of beings, his pure intentions to open the way for all human beings to realize the mind of enlightenment was his guider. Jesus Christ had the realization of being One with God, his pure intention was the Love of God manifesting this higher vibration of spiritual consciousness to awake us for us to become seers of our divine nature, .. Dr. Deepak is also a manifestation of the wisdom of enlightened Mind. the vibration of the teacher is a universal resonance and our inner being is able to recognize it as it is part of our truth nature.. today this being of higher level of consciousness are with us . .. and there are a great legion to help our evolution. we are afortunate they love humanity.

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