January 14, 2016

Feeling Empty.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


I’m a spiritual person. Christian by religion but a spiritual person who seeks and finds God everywhere and in everything. However lately, I have been feeling very far away from this universal source — an emptiness. It’s frustrating and I feel perhaps that I’m not doing enough. What must I do differently in my spiritual life to feel that wholeness again? I feel I’m lacking something….


The emptiness you feel is from your separate, limited self, not your essential self.  Your real self is always content, complete and full. It is even there when we are thinking self-critical thoughts or when we are feeling empty and inadequate. None of those thoughts or feelings touch or diminish our essential complete nature. Just as a sad movie has no impact on the movie screen. You don’t need to do anything to be your true self, it’s only a matter of recognizing that unbounded presence of awareness that is always there in every moment



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  1. kora

    As we create our circumstances to remind ourselves of our suppressed issues and emotions, maybe ask yourself: am I creating this experience of separation to bring up an old experience or belief or emotion that I have not paid attention to? Just feel the separateness and let it radiate away from you, let the energy flow out. It may take several times because there may be a lot of pressure/emotion behind it. Sometimes, especially when we are very sensitive, it seems like we cannot bear the emotion or sensation. It may feel as if it is going to destroy the body. Also, according to the Course in Miracles we create our experiences to bring us back to the original separation with the attached emotions of fear, guilt and grief. The ego does not want to go there and throws up obstacles and blocks. Become the observer to the whole road show and look at something beautiful - your dogs eyes, a flower, an elderly person, a collection of inspiring pictures - that will help you reconnect with joy and appreciation

  2. kora

    As we create our circumstances to remind ourselves of our suppressed issues and emotions, maybe ask yourself: am I creating this experience of separation to bring up an old experience or belief or emotion that I have not paid attention to? Just feel the separateness and let it radiate away from you, let the energy flow out. It may take several times because there may be a lot of pressure/emotion behind it. Sometimes, especially when we are very sensitive, it seems like we cannot bear the emotion or sensation. It may feel as if it is going to destroy the body. Also, according to the Course in Miracles we create our experiences to bring us back to the original separation with the attached emotions of fear, guilt and grief. The ego does not want to go there and throws up obstacles and blocks. Become the observer to the whole road show and look at something beautiful - your dogs eyes, a flower, an elderly person, a collection of inspiring pictures - that will help you reconnect with joy and appreciation

  3. kora

    As we create our circumstances to remind ourselves of our suppressed issues and emotions, maybe ask yourself: am I creating this experience of separation to bring up an old experience or belief or emotion that I have not paid attention to? Just feel the separateness and let it radiate away from you, let the energy flow out. It may take several times because there may be a lot of pressure/emotion behind it. Sometimes, especially when we are very sensitive, it seems like we cannot bear the emotion or sensation. It may feel as if it is going to destroy the body. Also, according to the Course in Miracles we create our experiences to bring us back to the original separation with the attached emotions of fear, guilt and grief. The ego does not want to go there and throws up obstacles and blocks. Become the observer to the whole road show and look at something beautiful - your dogs eyes, a flower, an elderly person, a collection of inspiring pictures - that will help you reconnect with joy and appreciation

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