October 26, 2018

Father Issues.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


I seem to have father issues. I am sure its set some limits on my life…..my dad is 80 I am 56….I’ve asked my dad to “connect and relate” with me, to hear me correctly, to allow common ground and understanding and to join the vision……….he seems unwilling or unable to do any of that….saying things like I have more important things to do….we email a lot but it’s mostly fighting or him twisting what I think are good normal intentions and desires to be heard understood and feel loved (I do have lots of other loving friends)…. he mostly seeks to avoid or be a void….and this is years of this…. any insight? Thanks


Your dad is 80 and has lived a long life, clearly he doesn’t want to connect and relate the way you want him to.  You have every right to state what you would like the relationship to be, but beyond that you cannot expect him to change. He is also allowed to be who he is. 

If he doesn’t want to join your vision, that’s his prerogative. Your job is to figure out what feeling in you is driving you to want him to change and then find that within your own consciousness. Maybe you are seeking validation or approval from your father. If you dig deeply into this you will see that what you are really looking for is self-approval, and that this isn’t about your dad’s behavior at all. When you have reclaimed your own validation, you will be fine letting your dad be himself, and you may even learn to relate to him in a whole new and rewarding way.



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    Hello my Friend, I feel it is most important to continue having desire for your father you grow as we should for all of humanity. The issue becomes what we can do to enhance that growth for ourselves as well as others. I would suggest that you attempt to keep looking deeper inside by using Awareness and Releasing, and see how this process will help you not only have a clearer vision and direction for yourself, but will also be the best catalyst to help your father. It is more so our responsibility without guilt to insure we are as Balanced as we can be as Human Beings. And while we are heling ourselves, see that the back and forth negative interactions are not producing positive results, so maybe try the approach of validating his thoughts, feelings, and or words, not getting into the conditioned loop that keeps us all reverting back to ineffective ways of communicating. Also continue practicing being AWARE, PRESENT, while exercising a POSITIVE LOVING INTENTION, as best you can, and if you get into it with your father, you will able to respond better. Ronnie Figueroa 949-205-8357. http://www.theholisticenergyhealinginstitute.com.


    Hello my Friend, I feel it is most important to continue having desire for your father you grow as we should for all of humanity. The issue becomes what we can do to enhance that growth for ourselves as well as others. I would suggest that you attempt to keep looking deeper inside by using Awareness and Releasing, and see how this process will help you not only have a clearer vision and direction for yourself, but will also be the best catalyst to help your father. It is more so our responsibility without guilt to insure we are as Balanced as we can be as Human Beings. And while we are heling ourselves, see that the back and forth negative interactions are not producing positive results, so maybe try the approach of validating his thoughts, feelings, and or words, not getting into the conditioned loop that keeps us all reverting back to ineffective ways of communicating. Also continue practicing being AWARE, PRESENT, while exercising a POSITIVE LOVING INTENTION, as best you can, and if you get into it with your father, you will able to respond better. Ronnie Figueroa 949-205-8357. http://www.theholisticenergyhealinginstitute.com.

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