October 22, 2018

Facing Fear.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


Sometimes I feel that if I face my fears they will come true, and then I get more anxious than before, it takes a lot of energy from me, what can I do?


Facing your fears mean that you hold them up to the light of truth and see them for what they are. This always removes the power that the fear has to manifest and returns the power back to you. In dim light a rope may appear to be a snake and frighten you. As long as you are afraid, it has control over you. When you shine light on it you are facing the fear and see what it really is, just a rope. The fear subsides and you can behave free from the grip of fear.



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    Hello, I feel that fear is to some degree or another in all of us. And those who would say they have none, I believe are not being honest with themselves or others. The way we lessen its effects is to learn to be at peace no matter what inner or outer obstacles or circumstances come our way. And this is accomplished by the CONSISITNET practice of bringing oneself back to what I call Spacious Awareness. Once you find this spark, it's necessary to learn to fan that spark until it becomes a perpetual flame. Learn to trust that Energy to heal you, and as you practice, you will see more acts of synchronicity/miracles occurring more and more. And then as you allow the fear to come to the surface, it will be burned up by the flame of Love. You can contact if you wish at http://www.ronholisticcounselor.com/ Ronnie Figueroa.


    Hello, I feel that fear is to some degree or another in all of us. And those who would say they have none, I believe are not being honest with themselves or others. The way we lessen its effects is to learn to be at peace no matter what inner or outer obstacles or circumstances come our way. And this is accomplished by the CONSISITNET practice of bringing oneself back to what I call Spacious Awareness. Once you find this spark, it's necessary to learn to fan that spark until it becomes a perpetual flame. Learn to trust that Energy to heal you, and as you practice, you will see more acts of synchronicity/miracles occurring more and more. And then as you allow the fear to come to the surface, it will be burned up by the flame of Love. You can contact if you wish at http://www.ronholisticcounselor.com/ Ronnie Figueroa.


    Hi, I have found that when we incrementally allow ourselves to welcome in the fear, this in and of itself can be freeing. And each time we see the success of this, it becomes easier and easier to diminish the fear. I have also found that a good way to become even more powerful with overcoming these types of issues, is to incrementally go to an environment or situation that will elicit the fear. You may need assistance with this and incrementally is a key word. If you need more help, you can reach me at ronfiggy@gmail.com Peace, Love and Freedom, Ronnie

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