March 3, 2016

Evolving God.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


Something I can’t get quite clear is the idea that “God” (our source, ultimate identity and the ground of being) while being infinitely intelligent, infinitely loving, all-knowing, etc. is manifesting as us and that we are a “focal  point of experience for God”.  So is God evolving and getting “smarter” because God is experiencing life through us and gaining in knowledge and experience?  What the heck is going on? 


Your difficulty lies in thinking that if God is omnipotent and omniscient, then God can’t also be involved with the process creation. But God is both Being and becoming, transcendent and immanent. The divine participates in the course of evolution while simultaneously existing as the source and goal of that evolutionary process. So it’s fine to understand God as getting smarter and evolving in the sense that God is participating in creation, and yet that doesn’t diminish God’s status as the end state of the evolutionary process. It’s really just about expanding our concepts of God.



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  1. Aisha Saleem

    Huge like for the question.... Yes, what the heck? I am one of the most fortunate people on earth and still I find life so much difficult and intense.... What the heck?

  2. Aisha Saleem

    Huge like for the question.... Yes, what the heck? I am one of the most fortunate people on earth and still I find life so much difficult and intense.... What the heck?

  3. Aisha Saleem

    Huge like for the question.... Yes, what the heck? I am one of the most fortunate people on earth and still I find life so much difficult and intense.... What the heck?

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