September 23, 2015



When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


Hi Deepak,

My question is there really anything called enlightenment? If yes does everyone get enlightened? If the purpose of life is to get enlightened , what is the real purpose of life according to you? I don’t think to be happy is not the purpose of life.


There is a natural human state of awareness that has traditionally been called enlightenment where one’s sense of “I” is known and experienced as the ever-present and unlimited awareness that it is. This awareness is experience as free from the mind and body’s limits in time and space. That recognition of its true status is an awakening or enlightening. This process of self-realization represents our full, natural human potential, because in this state we experience and express joy, love, peace and wisdom in everything we do.



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  1. Be

    I experienced enlightenment in 2012 when I was very new to spiritualism and meditation. After a marriage of nearly 20 years that culminated in my believing my ex was going to kill me, I was advised to take up Reiki healing and I completed all levels within 3 months. It was a few weeks after my master reiki attunement and whilst meditating to Deepak Chopra's 'Chakra Balancing' that I experienced the "dissolution of self", immediately followed by an electrical type energy that descended into my body. For about a year I was in a bliss state, floating through life. Now I consider myself to be a bodhisattva. For me, the purpose of life is to find out who you really are, as in your own true divinity and to let go of all the attachments people hold so dear. To let go of fear, jealousy, etc. which keep you from discovering who you really are. Namaste, Be x

  2. Be

    I experienced enlightenment in 2012 when I was very new to spiritualism and meditation. After a marriage of nearly 20 years that culminated in my believing my ex was going to kill me, I was advised to take up Reiki healing and I completed all levels within 3 months. It was a few weeks after my master reiki attunement and whilst meditating to Deepak Chopra's 'Chakra Balancing' that I experienced the "dissolution of self", immediately followed by an electrical type energy that descended into my body. For about a year I was in a bliss state, floating through life. Now I consider myself to be a bodhisattva. For me, the purpose of life is to find out who you really are, as in your own true divinity and to let go of all the attachments people hold so dear. To let go of fear, jealousy, etc. which keep you from discovering who you really are. Namaste, Be x

  3. Be

    I experienced enlightenment in 2012 when I was very new to spiritualism and meditation. After a marriage of nearly 20 years that culminated in my believing my ex was going to kill me, I was advised to take up Reiki healing and I completed all levels within 3 months. It was a few weeks after my master reiki attunement and whilst meditating to Deepak Chopra's 'Chakra Balancing' that I experienced the "dissolution of self", immediately followed by an electrical type energy that descended into my body. For about a year I was in a bliss state, floating through life. Now I consider myself to be a bodhisattva. For me, the purpose of life is to find out who you really are, as in your own true divinity and to let go of all the attachments people hold so dear. To let go of fear, jealousy, etc. which keep you from discovering who you really are. Namaste, Be x

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February 21, 2014



When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


What happens to an enlightened person after death? Do they remain in undifferentiated oneness forever and never be an individual again? I'm afraid of oneness, it sounds like nothing as opposed to everything and I don't understand. It’s the basis for our whole journey, please help me understand.


Enlightenment is a state of liberation, freedom. That means all choices remain open to you. There is no question or possibility of not existing, or losing any state or feeling one has gained, including individuality. If you want to retain individuality, or even physical embodiment after full realization, that option is available to you. Bear in mind that enlightenment is a state of complete bliss and fulfillment, so whatever the enlightened person does, it is from a state of joy, not fear of loss.


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  1. pauline scott

    Well interesting comments. Not sure what I believe however, I dont understand what enlightenment is plus how does or can anyone know until they become enlightened......And who truly does.

  2. Ron Lloyd

    I have had a near death, out of body experience. What Deepak says is true. The only thing that interferes with omniscient bliss is the fear we take with us. That`s why it is good to equalize with it before we leave this dense plane.

  3. Savannah Morgan


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