June 5, 2015

Emotional Healing.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


Hi Deepak,

Over the years, I have been intuitively drawn to various healers and several forms of emotional and physical cleansing. Regardless of the modality, regular healings seem to initiate a response whereby my mind/body is confronted with old emotions – for fleeting moments, or sometimes several days, the emotion becomes acute and raw – before it appears to be released or neutralised. Would you regard this process of ‘unveiling’ old emotions as a necessary step in healing? Is it something we can all expect as we strive for greater wellbeing, or am I manifesting this ritual myself?


I don’t think   the emotional component of your healing is arising as an unnecessary ritual in your process. I suspect it comes up regardless of the modality because a conscious healing of the  emotional aspect of your wound  is an intrinsic part of your process. But this is not the case for everyone. Some people have a healing process that is largely neutral from an emotional point of view. This may be because even the memory of the original painful experience can be felt as re-traumatizing, so the mind/body system processes the emotional part through the physical body. Either way is fine as long as the end result is healing and wholeness.



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  1. Saleema

    Hi Deepak , Over the past few months I've been on a rollercoster ride with my emotions. I can't really point out exactly which situation in my life right now is contributing or causing me to be this emotional the most. Certainly though , it all started when I got my heart broken. That experience opened my eyes and made me feel emotions I never even knew existed. Apart from feeling heartbroken I felt/feel betrayed , lied to and somewhat angry. Angry with myself and that person because of what he did to me and what I allowed him to do. This experience made me leave my country thinking I would get over it. I was suppose to leave to further my studies but I stayed or kept delaying my stay home because of him , now I've left with these feelings and a feeling of lost. I don't know where I'm heading , I don't want to go back home even though that's where my family is and I dearly miss them. But home reminds me of my experience. How do I get over this feeling? How do I move on? How do I feel like I have a purpose? How do I love myself again?

  2. Saleema

    Hi Deepak , Over the past few months I've been on a rollercoster ride with my emotions. I can't really point out exactly which situation in my life right now is contributing or causing me to be this emotional the most. Certainly though , it all started when I got my heart broken. That experience opened my eyes and made me feel emotions I never even knew existed. Apart from feeling heartbroken I felt/feel betrayed , lied to and somewhat angry. Angry with myself and that person because of what he did to me and what I allowed him to do. This experience made me leave my country thinking I would get over it. I was suppose to leave to further my studies but I stayed or kept delaying my stay home because of him , now I've left with these feelings and a feeling of lost. I don't know where I'm heading , I don't want to go back home even though that's where my family is and I dearly miss them. But home reminds me of my experience. How do I get over this feeling? How do I move on? How do I feel like I have a purpose? How do I love myself again?

  3. Sandi Seitz

    Someday I hope to meet you in person. I use meditation with my clients. You are my inspiration.

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February 9, 2015

Emotional Healing.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


Dear Deepak,
My question is about on meditating on emotional pain and healing. I have practiced meditation for many years. I used to be completely identified with the emotional pain that I have but I believe I have let go of some of it. Now when I meditate I feel an intense pain in my solar plexus, heart and throat. It’s really difficult for me to just watch it and not to wish it away. Do you have any advice on how to meditate on this pain please? Several years ago I started to get what I later learned to be kundalini symptoms with surges of energy in my spine and other parts of my body. It feels like the energy gets blocked in my heart and sometimes it’s like my heart is about to burst out of my chest. Do I need to understand what this pain is about in order to heal? At the moment I’m not sure what it is about and how to find it out.
Thank you in advance for your help. Love

Do I need to understand my physical pain while meditating in order to heal?Response:

If the emotional pain in your body is too intense to easily meditate, then stop thinking the mantra and let your attention be with the physical sensations in your body. You can also let the cycle of your breathing be associated the area of your body where the sensation is strongest. Don’t focus on the emotional discomfort or get caught up in the interpretation or analysis of what might be going on. Your easy attention on the physical sensations will help facilitate the emotional release and healing that is going on in your body. You usually don’t need to analyze or figure out the history or the story behind the pain. And trying to understand it can sometimes keep the mind separate from the body and therefore not help the healing process as much as it could. If an explanation or insight into the pain is necessary for a full healing, then that insight will come spontaneously at some point later in the process. For now allow your awareness to neutrally be with the physical sensations whether they increase or decrease in intensity. Eventually the sensations will subside and it will be easy to think the mantra again. You can resume meditating at this point to finish up the remaining time in your meditation.


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  1. Ala

    "In our country (Europe) is writen little about failure. From childhood we have in our culture believe that failure is a shame that needs to be covered. Few people can admit mistakes, apologize to those who have paid for the mistake a prize. Efforts to make up, hide has its roots in the wrong belief that one gets in childhood, that if a man did a mistake to come punishment, "noted coach Learning that man grows to errors in his opinion necessary since childhood. It is wise to learn from each step, which does not lead to the desired objective. "And without sanctions and punishment, but, by its motivation to improve and grow. If we teach children that mistakes and try to move forward and to manage skills better and better and better, will be natural for them to consider opportunities in the area, "added the coach. Penalty or punishment cause distress and lead to dishonesty, failure of efforts to disguise. Then a child repeats this formula, because it is deeply inscribed in the brain."

  2. Shirley Lorene

    Thank U

  3. Philo Schoemans

    EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques ) is very effective to release your emotional pain. Nick Ortner (YouTube) from the tapping solution can help you trough your pain. I wish you love and healing

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