February 5, 2016

Electric Soul.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


Dear Dr Chopra,

I have come to my considered conclusion that what we have been describing as Soul is nothing but the ‘Electric Charge’ and mind is just an attribute of the circulating electric charge through millions of ion channels inside the bodies of animate organisms. Without electric charge, no structure of any kind is possible to exist in the universe and the electron as a fundamental particle makes, remakes and recycles practically everything in the universe. What is your opinion on this?


The physical body and its measurable activity, like electro-chemical neurological processes, is part of how consciousness interacts with the environment, but our awareness it is not created by, or identical with that physical activity. A radio can play music, but the radio didn’t create the music, nor is the music in the components of the radio, nor in the electricity flowing through its circuitry.

If the subjective experience of awareness was “nothing but electric charge,” why wouldn’t any and all biomass with some electrical charge moving through it be considered alive, conscious or possessed of a soul? Why do you stipulate that the electricity only has a soul if it is in an animate organism? Isn’t that looking for consciousness where we know it already is? Furthermore, if all subjective experience is reducible to the flow of electrons through ion channels, how do you account for the range of human experiences of love, inspiration, kindness, ambition, creativity, hope and joy? Reducing the richness of human experience to electro-chemical interaction doesn’t seem to help us understand our world, it only repeats what we know about the electricity.




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  1. Rebecca S. Hammer

    Yes! Hello to & everyone ! Probably it's my openion. considered what is All about recycle' here in the universe ,, the lokal People dont know much ,,,, like me & example !! Organisms,, without any no charge,, no any instructure, of any kind existing the electron ,practically everything what is in the sorounding, Question! & the Universe ..so Iam very thankful to all of you ! especially to you Mr. Dr.Chopra our Everdear..... Honestly to you...............

  2. Rebecca S. Hammer

    Yes! Hello to & everyone ! Probably it's my openion. considered what is All about recycle' here in the universe ,, the lokal People dont know much ,,,, like me & example !! Organisms,, without any no charge,, no any instructure, of any kind existing the electron ,practically everything what is in the sorounding, Question! & the Universe ..so Iam very thankful to all of you ! especially to you Mr. Dr.Chopra our Everdear..... Honestly to you...............

  3. Rebecca S. Hammer

    Yes! Hello to & everyone ! Probably it's my openion. considered what is All about recycle' here in the universe ,, the lokal People dont know much ,,,, like me & example !! Organisms,, without any no charge,, no any instructure, of any kind existing the electron ,practically everything what is in the sorounding, Question! & the Universe ..so Iam very thankful to all of you ! especially to you Mr. Dr.Chopra our Everdear..... Honestly to you...............

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