July 9, 2015

Ego Needs.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


Dear Deepak, I would like to know how to clearly distinguish “ego needs” from “real needs” in any situation. Thank you!


Ego needs are whatever the separate self believes it requires to defend itself which can be anything or everything. The ego is built of this activity of seeking and resistance. It is made of the constant motion of avoiding the present moment. So anything can feel like a necessity for the ego.

Real needs are simple: food, water, shelter, physical safety, companionship, and self-expression.



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  1. karen coee

    Omg am happy I got my man back! it happened that my husband left me for another woman he was seeing outside.... I did all I could to get him back and nothing worked! I was introduced to Dr Nana love spells A seer and love expert he conducted a love bonding ritual for me and my man came back to me after 7 working days... am happy my marriage is complete.... do you want your ex back? make your spouse love you? stop a cheating spouse? win any court case? worry no more contact Dr Nana love spells today for quick solutions to problems info: drnanalovespells@gmail Youtube page> https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8t8Yixl2JDgQSyLOyL9nZA/featured

  2. karen coee

    Omg am happy I got my man back! it happened that my husband left me for another woman he was seeing outside.... I did all I could to get him back and nothing worked! I was introduced to Dr Nana love spells A seer and love expert he conducted a love bonding ritual for me and my man came back to me after 7 working days... am happy my marriage is complete.... do you want your ex back? make your spouse love you? stop a cheating spouse? win any court case? worry no more contact Dr Nana love spells today for quick solutions to problems info: drnanalovespells@gmail Youtube page> https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8t8Yixl2JDgQSyLOyL9nZA/featured

  3. karen coee

    Omg am happy I got my man back! it happened that my husband left me for another woman he was seeing outside.... I did all I could to get him back and nothing worked! I was introduced to Dr Nana love spells A seer and love expert he conducted a love bonding ritual for me and my man came back to me after 7 working days... am happy my marriage is complete.... do you want your ex back? make your spouse love you? stop a cheating spouse? win any court case? worry no more contact Dr Nana love spells today for quick solutions to problems info: drnanalovespells@gmail Youtube page> https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8t8Yixl2JDgQSyLOyL9nZA/featured

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