September 24, 2013

Dual Meditations.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


Hi Deepak, I hope you can help me answering this simple question. I did your 21 day meditation challenge. I enjoyed it every day. I also practice another meditation. My question to you is, is it OK to practice my other meditation and the ones that you developed? Say after finishing my usual meditation, can I do your 15 min meditation stuff? I don't know if this is very useful or will be too much! Hope you can help.


If you have the time, then it will be perfectly fine to do both. There is no conflict.



Write Your Comment

  1. Ann-Kaisarina Pettit

    very nice. Giving thanks and showing appreciation is sharing. I live in Germany, and am often told to stop saying thank you for everything, am often questioned what my motive maybe when I help someone without giving them a quote for my time. That I appear submissive. No wonder so many aware people are migrating elsewhere. Time to move on myself.

  2. Teresa Almeida


  3. Romin Munshi


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