July 19, 2015



When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


Hi Deepak!

My question is, how can I get rid of that small feeling of doubt when I am manifesting abundance into my life in the form of wealth? I don’t seem to have the feeling of doubt with anything other than that.


You don’t have to get rid of the doubt to be successful. All successful people have had doubts about their abilities and about what will or won’t happen. And they continue to have them. The important is to have enough awareness and confidence in your purpose and abilities so that the doubts are minimal and even indirectly support your success. Doubts can be useful in keeping you clear-headed, humble and alert for new directions and opportunities.

 If you fight doubts, they will only bigger and stronger, because if you believe you can’t be successful with a little doubt, you are telling yourself that you aren’t strong enough or capable  enough to overcome even a little resistance. That admission of weakness to yourself will feed your doubts more and more until they dominate your mind.  It’s better to incorporate small doubts constructively and intelligently into your success. If they are self-sabotaging doubts based upon a false self-image, then you will need to hold them up to the truth of your essential nature to let them gradually dissolve.



Write Your Comment

  1. Aarti Verma

    Love you deepak sir for clearing doubts so clearly

  2. Aarti Verma

    Love you deepak sir for clearing doubts so clearly

  3. Aarti Verma

    Love you deepak sir for clearing doubts so clearly

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