March 6, 2018

Difficult People.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


I have learned a great deal about myself in looking at my views/projections that I have put on other people, and the mirror it provides. I also am working at knowing that spirit is in everything and people are all one at this level.

I run into difficulty when I come across people who are just not good for me to be around too much i.e. low-self-esteem, or that don’t have healthy boundaries. I had a house mate that I just couldn’t stand to live with anymore because being around her brought me down so much. How can I come to terms with not wanting to be around folks that have this low energy (I feel bad that I don’t want to spend more time with them), yet possess the same spirit as I at their core?  From a spiritual perspective, is it normal to want to not spend a great deal of time with these folks?


It’s perfectly normal to want to avoid people that you don’t feel good being around. The question is: Why do you feel they bring you down? Can you really be sure their energy is lower than yours? It’s more likely that their behavior triggers your issues and sensitivities, and that’s what makes you feel like they are bringing you down.

Now, there’s nothing that says you need to deal with all your issues at once, and if some people have the effect on you of causing a cascade of reactions, then it’s fine to give yourself some distance so you can work on your conditioning from a more conscious and manageable position. So it’s fine if you really couldn’t stand to live with your house mate anymore. But the important thing though is that you don’t fool yourself into thinking it is their problem and use that as an excuse to avoid working on your own stuff.



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  1. Denita McDade

    That's so deep. I have this with my son's father. I just can't stand being in his presence, and I avoid him. That is a great temporary fix, but until I uncovered what is was I saw him in that I hated, and acknowledge how it reflected in myself..I never grew. I still dislike his behaviors, but the hate and intolerance is gone. He is just a soul on his journey as I am.

  2. Denita McDade

    That's so deep. I have this with my son's father. I just can't stand being in his presence, and I avoid him. That is a great temporary fix, but until I uncovered what is was I saw him in that I hated, and acknowledge how it reflected in myself..I never grew. I still dislike his behaviors, but the hate and intolerance is gone. He is just a soul on his journey as I am.

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