September 13, 2018



When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


Can you please explain detachment more?  I have read that chapter in 7 Spiritual Laws of Success, but I am still baffled.  What does it mean and how do you do it?  How can you have a clear picture in your mind of what you want, put your attention on it, yet be detached from the outcome?


Detachment is the state of consciousness aware of itself. It is not something that you do or practice, apart from just being your simple self. Detachment is the quality of that pure awareness not identifying with anything–your job, your personality—it knows itself to be unlimited, non-local and free, so it is not attached to any particular form or expression.

When one incorporates the law of detachment in order to attain an intention, one is simply releasing one’s personal grip on the desire and allowing consciousness to return to its quiet, universal level of self-awareness from where the universe is free to orchestrate the fulfillment of that desire. Detachment is a way to get the ego out of the way so that the most appropriate response for us from Nature is unencumbered by our personal limitations.



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    I feel we can never be completely detached until we are no longer flesh and bone. The Yin Yang of it all calls for us to at times deal with negative feelings and thoughts throughout our lives. This process helps us to continue the transformational process from birth and through death. We accomplish the truer life of becoming Balanced Human Beings when we can more readily accept and respect the unknown, and live lives of clearing our past conditionings and traumas by living lives of Awareness, Presence and Positive Loving Intentions, with the emphasis on being The Awareness. Ronnie Figueroa


    I feel we can never be completely detached until we are no longer flesh and bone. The Yin Yang of it all calls for us to at times deal with negative feelings and thoughts throughout our lives. This process helps us to continue the transformational process from birth and through death. We accomplish the truer life of becoming Balanced Human Beings when we can more readily accept and respect the unknown, and live lives of clearing our past conditionings and traumas by living lives of Awareness, Presence and Positive Loving Intentions, with the emphasis on being The Awareness. Ronnie Figueroa

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March 4, 2012



When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


I have learned to practice detachment/ surrender and to trust the outcome of
my desires to God. I have experienced some amazing synchronicities and manifestations. However sometimes when I am close to reaching a goal I begin to have a harder time keeping negative thought out and trusting in my higher power. When something is only a concept in my mind it is easier to detach from it and let things work out however it will, trusting in God that the results will be the best for me. But when that concept becomes a real physical thing , ( for example, when I actually meet and start dating my "perfect" mate, or am about to actually make a lot of money) I have trouble letting it go. "What if she begins dating someone else…" " What if…" I know these thoughts may block stuff from happening. How do you let stuff go when it's at the point where it seemingly means so much to you


When you can be detached from the outcome of the important issues in your life, then you know you are truly detached. Detachment and trust in God grows over time through clarity of self-awareness. The negative thoughts and doubts that come up are old conditioning that want to keep the old ego self in place. Don’t struggle against the thoughts or feelings; just recognize them for what they are. The more you are aware of your self as independent from these thoughts, the less power they have to derail your desires. Over time and they eventually lose their grip, and you are free from your old conditioning.



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  1. Free Hug Yoga - Misa Derhy

    Letting go does not means we don t care. We are actually not letting go our Love, we let die our Ego. If the love is based in possessiveness and the need, it is Ego, not Love. As you wrote, true Love is unconditional...Great writing Soni.

  2. mngrey

    Hi my name it Michelle. I have BP -Disorder That does not give me an excuse to abuse another person verbaly, physicaly, or emotionaly. What it does require; is that I take my meds EVERY DAY, eat healty, sleep healthy, take vitamins, and go about the rest of my shit life. But I smile (as best I can) because this is my life and my responcibility. You are not even involved in that equation. He is LUCKY, LUCKY you tolerate his abuse and he refuses to work on it. He has a "biological illness". He need medical care to get stable... Then get on a system.... He foesnt want to work on what he is now. LEAVE HIM. He can not be fixed. And he doesnt even want the generocity of your help. This is the one life God gave you. Your reaching iut for help. ? I`m giving you permission to leave him and persue your own life. He`ll be ok. He`s not ready to let go of his HIGH`s yet. It`s better than any drug. Go out and meet someone with any type of personality!!! ...but who wants to grow, always. That`s the fountain of youth. Dont look back ...i can feel where your at! Praying for you that what ever best outcome be healthy and clear. xo

  3. Gary Appleton

    Letting it go doesnt mean forgetting all about it. It means to detach from it, giving you a clearer more accurate view of the problem.

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