May 21, 2019

Destiny and Choices.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


If we do something wrong in our lives that causes loss and changes our course, does that mistake change the path that was predetermined or is that mistake (that I now look back on with much regret) indeed part of our predetermined path?


I don’t accept your starting premises about making  wrong choices and predestination.  We make choices the best we can knowing what we know at the time.  If we come to learn more later and regret our choice, that doesn’t mean we did something wrong or bad. It simply led us to our present situation.  Our destiny is the choices we have made and the choices we make in the present.



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  1. Alena Adamkova

    Meditation changes the way we see the world...and feelings. :) we feel optimistic, feel gratitude and understanding for ourselves for no negative distractions of stress or self-doubt or time doubt or environment doubt come to our awareness.

  2. Alena Adamkova

    Meditation changes the way we see the world...and feelings. :) we feel optimistic, feel gratitude and understanding for ourselves for no negative distractions of stress or self-doubt or time doubt or environment doubt come to our awareness.

  3. Alena Adamkova

    As Joe Dispenza said we have neouro network in brain for every person we know, every experience and every placewe go....It interesting....Maybe we need the network inbrain for quantum field as he says stepping to the unknown...unfamiliar........I like also the network for our brain....of Deepak Chopra and his interesting thoughts and calm energy of present moment. :) We can never be fed up with this philosophy. :) or fed up with present moment or creativity and great energy from great leaders as Deepak Chopra or Joe Dispenza Ed Myllet, or Goldie Hawn and other people who inspire us to grow, to get higher potential and do something for ourselves our true self, and our health....we can never be feed up with great inspirations and ideas...that motivate us, and contribute to higher consciousness or quantum field or the energy of self or creative enery or collective consciousness. Not all leaders are as calm as Deepak but they all are nice.

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