Deciding What To Let Go Of.
When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.
How do we know when to let it go and when to hold on to what seems right or unjust?
For determining that you need to go beyond your conventional sense of morality and self-respect. You need to know your deepest self that transcends society’s ideas of what is right and wrong. Because what constitutes the evolutionary need of your soul is ultimately only known by that core intelligence of your higher self. Ultimately our limited mind cannot fathom whether something that seems wrong and that we want to let go of may not in fact be essential the grand scheme of our spiritual growth. That inner certainty of what is the right path for you cannot be found in the advice or opinions of friends and family, that sense of knowingness must come from your core self. Gaining that self-knowledge that guides us through life’s dilemmas is what we are here on earth to learn.
Thankbuou for answering
Deepak, I love your response to this question. I have often found dead ends in my life when I follow the advice of others, in regards to what or who is right in my life. This makes me want to further seek out my spirituality and learn to embrace my higher self. It`s a long life, might as well know your self! Thank you.
Sometimes I feel like my 2 immediate family relatives whom happen to live far away are the epitome of unjust. Maybe it`s my brain that says this, not higher self, but my doctor of many years of treatment agrees that my mother has had a very nefarious impact on my life. I`ve been left with a feeling of growing up without a protector. I have an inner "muffled tape loop" of many hours of nothing but insults to my being that I must erase. Its hard realizing that. Try graduating alone w 1 friend and no family. Why do mean and dysfunctional ppl have children?