April 28, 2016



When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


My life and purpose is to be a spiritual leader I am sure of it. My question is, lately I have been feeling very dark, and have consumed a lot of alcohol. I feel my resistance. I know meditation is the key but where is this darkness coming from? Why do I feel to heavy?


I can’t tell you exactly what your experience of darkness is, or where it is coming from, but it is probably safe to say that it is some deep pain from your past that is now presenting itself in your life to be healed. Your resistance toward dealing with it is likely reflected in your increased drinking. That is a typical way of numbing yourself from feelings you are afraid will be overwhelming. You may want to do some reflection on what past hurt you might be afraid of looking at. Recognize that you are now much stronger and capable of dealing with it now than you were at the time.  That strength and wisdom is what you can now bring to bear toward healing this issue.



Write Your Comment

  1. r

    very true. distractions will not help, better to learn to cope than hope

  2. r

    very true. distractions will not help, better to learn to cope than hope

  3. r

    very true. distractions will not help, better to learn to cope than hope

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