November 2, 2016

Crying in Meditation.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


I am 45 years old woman. I learned to meditate when I was 17. More recently I have started the So Hum meditation and it has stirred up lots of emotions.  While meditating I feel total sadness and I cry every morning. It takes a lot of energy. I´m looking for help to explain to me why it is so.


It seems that the meditation is releasing some deep levels of grief and sadness. These old feelings are now ready to be healed. To make it easier for you, when the feelings become very strong, instead of paying attention to the emotions, pay attention to the physical sensations in your body. Let your awareness simply remain with those physical sensations, whether they increase or decrease. Having the mind attend to the body’s sensations helps it release the old trauma without taking you through the difficult emotions again. Eventually the sensations will subside and then you will have other thoughts enter your mind. This is your signal to return to your meditation practice. Once you have cleared away this sadness, your meditation will return to normal.



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  1. Christina Cernosek

    So glad you asked that question! I've had the same issue happen during my meditations, though not every time. I always feel a sense of relief afterward.

  2. Christina Cernosek

    So glad you asked that question! I've had the same issue happen during my meditations, though not every time. I always feel a sense of relief afterward.

  3. Christina Cernosek

    So glad you asked that question! I've had the same issue happen during my meditations, though not every time. I always feel a sense of relief afterward.

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January 18, 2015

Crying in Meditation.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


I meditated for the first time last week. During my first meditation I felt very light weight almost to the point of feeling like my body was rising. I felt at peace, happy and warm inside after I was done. The next day I meditated again. This time was different. I settled in and then I felt an instant wave of emotion just hit me and then I started crying. I felt so so sad. What does this mean when one cries during meditation?


Crying in meditation means that the mind and emotions have gone very deep and that has allowed you the opportunity to heal some old, past trauma. It’ s good. It indicates that meditation is effective and healing. Some meditations are more expansive, peaceful and illuminating, and others can be more healing. Both kinds are necessary and support each other toward our full awakening.


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  1. Jenna Raye luv

    It is to my understanding that we as humans are similar to onions. Our experiences, pain, tradagy, lies, decpeption and ego must be pealed away in order to get back to our core essence....a being of light. Let the tears are pealing away another layed.

  2. Ala

    Nice opinion.

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July 3, 2013

Crying in Meditation.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


Hi Deepak, I am your huge fan. I recently bought your happiness and attracting love cds and started meditating. After a week of meditation whenever I meditate I cry. Tears start coming out of my eyes and don't stop. And it feels in my heart. Can you tell me why that happens? Also I liked a guy and we broke up so I bought the cd to attract love. One of my friends said if I keep trying to attract him and he doesn't come back to me it will be hard to forget him after all these love attraction meditations. Is that true?


The tears are meditation releasing the pent up sorrow and grief from the ended relationship. Rather than trying to attract him back right away, let the healing of your heart come to a place of peace first. You cannot expect to move forward in a loving relationship if you haven’t yet healed and assimilated the breakup.


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  1. pozzgelz

    Such good advice! Take heart. I was in a similar place. After a year of pain I was drawn to mediation and I made it my goal to only focus on myself and my healing. Very quickly I felt joy again and was miraculously reunited with my boyfriend not so long afterwards! Focus on healing; this must come first and always listen to YOUR own inner voice to guide you.

  2. Mexi Harry

    why would you want to get him back girl when the very nature caused the break up. It's hard. Very very hard to let go such things! But all you really need to do is accept the truth first. You needn't attract anybody,not just him. When you're here, there's a reason! Nature's lessons are learnt the hard way girl. Nature doesn't INVEST in a junk :). You are far more worth than you think of yourself i bet! You got to attain a mental status of minimum peace, where you have started to love yourself. The tiniest things around u. When the belief sprouts back. In trivial matters m talking of. Most importantly,when you realise you can never own a thing in this nature. Be it anything. With this as the background,start meditating. Meditating soon after a breakup!? That's not the way :). Not being rude, but to meditate is when you already are at peace with your innerself n when you wanto become selfless and wanto transcend the limit.

  3. Noel Cajayon

    Healing must take place first before moving forward.

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January 2, 2013

Crying in Meditation.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


Namaste Deepak, I started meditating a week ago and I can't stop crying. I feel like I literally opened up Pandora’s box and all these emotions are coming out. I am studying for a big exam but can't seem to focus. I know I am not depressed because I wake up ready to study and start working. But then I have these emotional feelings coming out of me and I can't stop crying. I can't focus on my work. I am really trying hard but it just feels like my emotions have a mind of their own. How can I be at peace? I just want peace in my soul, focus on my work, and have some joy in my life. But my heart feels heavy. What is going on?


I don’t know if this will get to you in time to help you with studying before you take your exams or not, but even if it doesn’t, it can help you if it happens again. The bouts of crying indicate that there is a old stockpile of unresolved sadness and loss that was waiting for an opportunity to be released, and the meditation served as that opportunity. But because there was such a backlog of grief, its release can’t be confined to the meditation period and it is spilling out into the rest of the day. (Some people even find themselves crying in their dreams.) The first thing to realize is that this is old stuff and it just needs a way out. You don’t have to spend a single moment trying to figure out what is causing this or what connection it has with your present life, because most likely it has no connection whatsoever. This means that you can, in a certain sense, let the crying come and go and then get back to studying the way a coughing fits come and go when you are getting over a chest cold. Once you know that the crying is not anything you need to worry about, you can accommodate it and then quickly switch right back to studying.

The other thing that might be a factor in this crying jag hanging around so long could be that the release is not as complete as it could be when the emotion comes up. So if you want to help each crying episode release more fully and in a way that doesn’t take as much out of you energetically, you can make audible tones or sounds that resonate with what you are feeling inside. Hold the tones or change them in whatever way matches the emotional quality in your body that wants release. This toning will greatly facilitate the clearing process and should reduce the number of crying episodes as well. And once the majority of the old trauma has been healed the crying will stop and the rest of the grief issue will resolve itself in a more comfortable way.


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  1. Amy

    Hello, Deepak. After having stopped meditating for a while, I started again today. Every time I meditate, I see spiral colors. Sometimes the spiral is blue, red, white, yellow, or purple. The one I see most of the time is a purple spiral and the color gets more intense depending on my emotions. I feel heavily swayed by this spiral color and other meditators have told me they have never met anyone who 'sees colors' when they meditate, so I have always wondered, what do these colors represent? And why do I see a spiral? This usually happens when I practice love meditation, where I wish others peace, kindness, helath and wisom-this is my favorite type of meditation because I feel full of emotion and positive energy when I practice this meditation. Also, this time around I began crying heavily when I meditated, but I felt very happy about it. I felt that they were tears of kindness, love, and hope, but I was still able to see the colors even though I was crying. Thank you very much for your time.

  2. Amy

    Hello, Deepak. After having stopped meditating for a while, I started again today. Every time I meditate, I see spiral colors. Sometimes the spiral is blue, red, white, yellow, or purple. The one I see most of the time is a purple spiral and the color gets more intense depending on my emotions. I feel heavily swayed by this spiral color and other meditators have told me they have never met anyone who 'sees colors' when they meditate, so I have always wondered, what do these colors represent? And why do I see a spiral? This usually happens when I practice love meditation, where I wish others peace, kindness, helath and wisom-this is my favorite type of meditation because I feel full of emotion and positive energy when I practice this meditation. Also, this time around I began crying heavily when I meditated, but I felt very happy about it. I felt that they were tears of kindness, love, and hope, but I was still able to see the colors even though I was crying. Thank you very much for your time.

  3. Gracja Marta Fuss

    Deepak,the older you get,the better your wisdom taste!

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April 12, 2012

Crying in Meditation.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


Question: Hello Mr. Deepak Chopra When I meditate my eyes tear up and I start crying. What does this signify as this happens to me all the time and has been going on for over 6 months.


The crying indicates that there is a deep layer of grief and sorrow that the meditation is working on releasing. Six months is a long time for this to go on, but that only indicates that it is a profound emotional trauma that requires time to heal. It will go away eventually, continue to be patient.


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  1. Erika

    Dear Mr Chopra, I experienced tears rolling down my eyes but I did not feel sadness or joy. It was neutral but aware that I had no control of my tears rolling down my eyes. I also felt this energy like magnetic energy lifting my hands and all over my body, like subtle tingling sensation. I felt no fear but curious. Is this normal ?

  2. Erika

    Dear Mr Chopra, I experienced tears rolling down my eyes but I did not feel sadness or joy. It was neutral but aware that I had no control of my tears rolling down my eyes. I also felt this energy like magnetic energy lifting my hands and all over my body, like subtle tingling sensation. I felt no fear but curious. Is this normal ?

  3. Erika

    Dear Mr Chopra, I experienced tears rolling down my eyes but I did not feel sadness or joy. It was neutral but aware that I had no control of my tears rolling down my eyes. I also felt this energy like magnetic energy lifting my hands and all over my body, like subtle tingling sensation. I felt no fear but curious. Is this normal ?

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