January 25, 2017



When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


I read your book “How to know God” and I love how you break down how we relate to God based on the stages in our journey as to how our brains are able to relate.  What I have noticed about your book is that full realization is beyond duality, no existence of time/space etc.  Looking at this from this point of view wouldn’t that mean we are all expressions of God, because from the material side you have time and space and separation and duality.  But, when you are not in material existence everything exists through energy/thought and there is no present, past, future etc.  You are just one with God.  Is this how to interpret creation?  Is it like you have a source of power that separated into multitudes to realize its true essence through experience?


What you describe as full realization is the state of Unity Consciousness where the pure awareness of the self is recognized not only in the silence of the self, but also thoughts, feelings and experiences of the mind and body. This is the ultimate realization that wisdom traditions describe as knowing that you are at one with the universe. Next month a book is coming out call You Are the Universe I co-wrote with physicist Menas Kafatos, where this realization of human knowledge is explored in detail. It is a state of consciousness rooted in the reality beyond duality and   time and space, but it does not deny or interrupt the human experience of diversity as we currently experience it. We, and everything in creation are all expressions of that one unlimited consciousness. As you suggested, you can think of that pure awareness giving rise to the apparent diversity as a means for it to know itself.



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November 14, 2015



When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


Why did the creator create the universe? Why is there life? What does all this mean?


The Vedantic perspective is that pure consciousness is the uncreated reality of life. It exists as a self-interacting field of existence, consciousness and joy.  The diversity of creation and life appears as a modification or modulation of this universal awareness simply for the joy of self-expression and self-realization. The modulation of consciousness that is creation is not a product of purpose, necessity or meaning.  It simply IS. Pure consciousness is the existence from which everything else derives reality, meaning and purpose.



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  1. Berle Sinnappan

    Again why did the creator create the universe.......please, your answer is not clear

  2. Berle Sinnappan

    Again why did the creator create the universe.......please, your answer is not clear

  3. Berle Sinnappan

    Again why did the creator create the universe.......please, your answer is not clear

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