November 15, 2015

Changes from Meditation.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


First of all I want to thank you in advance for your support and want also to apologize for my English.I’ll do my best but I’m Spanish…I started my meditations 2 months ago and the changes I’ve been through and what I’m feeling it’s really amazing, even sometimes it scared to me. I feel a kind of energy moving inside my face (sometimes I feel it when I’m not doing meditation but thinking as I was doing it), pressures in some parts of my face (just like someone was pressing a finger in my chin), is not painful but so real, when I asked to myself “Who I am” I felt like balls moving inside my hands. The most spectacular thing I experimented with was after a meditation (at night) when I was falling asleep I felt in my entire body from head to toes an intense vibration, I was a big vibration and I said wow!! And finished just like a flash of lightning in my legs. It was so real… I guess it is normal…but I never felt anything like this. Thank you so much


All of these experiences from your meditation show that the body is actively releasing various tensions and accumulated stresses. The exact experiences vary from person to person based on their past, but the general  release process is always beneficial and serves to bring the body into a more open, free and balanced state capable of supporting more expanded experiences of meditation.



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  1. Barbara Jeanne Mitchell

    ❤️you Deepak xo

  2. Barbara Jeanne Mitchell

    ❤️you Deepak xo

  3. Barbara Jeanne Mitchell

    ❤️you Deepak xo

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