September 30, 2012

Catholic Parents.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


 My parents are traditional Catholics. I am a recent university graduate. Any choice I make whether it be considering to move out of the home I share with them (possibly with a significant other), go out with friends or even simply buy my own groceries is offensive to them. They always make it a point to remind me that I am wrong and sinful for displeasing them and accuse me of choosing my happiness above theirs. As a result I am frozen and guilt ridden. I love them, respect them and am sincerely grateful for the home they have provided me. However, I am afraid that this situation is causing me to resent them. Any thoughts on how to deal with this situation? Thanks!


This is really about you, not your parents. They are who they are and are not likely to change their behavior toward you. You are an educated adult now, a college graduate with a significant other in your life. You shouldn’t be looking for their approval to move out of the house or to be with someone you love. Being an adult means you learn to make your own decisions and you learn to make your own way in life. Your paralysis and guilt are ultimately not your parents responsibility even if that has been pervasive atmosphere in the house as you grew up. I think you will find that as you start to take action, even though you might feel some trepidation, you will also experience a great feeling of liberation. That is your next step.


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  1. kate

    i was brought up by catholic parents till i was 11 . not practiser . i didn learn religion on school . but when i came to ireland over 40 years i lived with my ant . very devoted to her catholic faith .of course with hipocrocy attached to it .. i was abused as a child . i didn know who jesus was . not really /so i was very inquisitive and realised i had a hunger for knowledge of this jesus . so went through a couple of defferent religion .but there was always something that niggled at the back of my miind .. i questiones why did this happen to me . i didnt grow up thinkin i was sinful . how could i i didnt know jesus .. until the last 6 years i discovered the bible . and everything i lways wanted to understand was in there regardless of what religion or faith .there is no onther book like this book . as i learned it .not from any one religion /but through it i discovered this wonderful wisdom of how we all are pure love / thats love is from jesus ... and i understaand also that the poorer and the less fortunate need our help in whatever .way we can / a;though this love yourself for hwo you atre or you are the most important person .or you are totally pure happiness . but surely as human beings .shouldnt we be aware of the less fotiunate . and get out of this shallowness .and gurus that tell us . no one is greater than you . or any thing else for that matter .. and this learning and new wisdom .no one ask me to buy my book . register for my program ,by this book and that book and that course . and this . there is just one book . and im sure all this revelation of any "spiritual leaders they have looked into the bible .. amen

  2. kate

    i was brought up by catholic parents till i was 11 . not practiser . i didn learn religion on school . but when i came to ireland over 40 years i lived with my ant . very devoted to her catholic faith .of course with hipocrocy attached to it .. i was abused as a child . i didn know who jesus was . not really /so i was very inquisitive and realised i had a hunger for knowledge of this jesus . so went through a couple of defferent religion .but there was always something that niggled at the back of my miind .. i questiones why did this happen to me . i didnt grow up thinkin i was sinful . how could i i didnt know jesus .. until the last 6 years i discovered the bible . and everything i lways wanted to understand was in there regardless of what religion or faith .there is no onther book like this book . as i learned it .not from any one religion /but through it i discovered this wonderful wisdom of how we all are pure love / thats love is from jesus ... and i understaand also that the poorer and the less fortunate need our help in whatever .way we can / a;though this love yourself for hwo you atre or you are the most important person .or you are totally pure happiness . but surely as human beings .shouldnt we be aware of the less fotiunate . and get out of this shallowness .and gurus that tell us . no one is greater than you . or any thing else for that matter .. and this learning and new wisdom .no one ask me to buy my book . register for my program ,by this book and that book and that course . and this . there is just one book . and im sure all this revelation of any "spiritual leaders they have looked into the bible .. amen

  3. kate

    i was brought up by catholic parents till i was 11 . not practiser . i didn learn religion on school . but when i came to ireland over 40 years i lived with my ant . very devoted to her catholic faith .of course with hipocrocy attached to it .. i was abused as a child . i didn know who jesus was . not really /so i was very inquisitive and realised i had a hunger for knowledge of this jesus . so went through a couple of defferent religion .but there was always something that niggled at the back of my miind .. i questiones why did this happen to me . i didnt grow up thinkin i was sinful . how could i i didnt know jesus .. until the last 6 years i discovered the bible . and everything i lways wanted to understand was in there regardless of what religion or faith .there is no onther book like this book . as i learned it .not from any one religion /but through it i discovered this wonderful wisdom of how we all are pure love / thats love is from jesus ... and i understaand also that the poorer and the less fortunate need our help in whatever .way we can / a;though this love yourself for hwo you atre or you are the most important person .or you are totally pure happiness . but surely as human beings .shouldnt we be aware of the less fotiunate . and get out of this shallowness .and gurus that tell us . no one is greater than you . or any thing else for that matter .. and this learning and new wisdom .no one ask me to buy my book . register for my program ,by this book and that book and that course . and this . there is just one book . and im sure all this revelation of any "spiritual leaders they have looked into the bible .. amen

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