January 8, 2016

Calling on Our Higher Power.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


Hi Deepak —

First of all, I would like to thank you for all that you do! My question has to do with your thoughts on a personal God. Right now, I am struggling with alcoholism, trying to stop drinking and stay stopped. I have actually been struggling with this for years, so I finally decided that I needed to do something different and start attending A.A. meetings. My biggest hesitation with this group is the “spiritual” aspect. While A.A. says it is non-denominational, I find – so far – that there is definitely a Christian slant. And at any rate, we are supposed to call upon our Higher Power – as we understand “him” – to help us do what we cannot do for ourselves, which is to stop drinking. But I’m not sure, when I pray, “who” is listening? I tend to believe in a cold, mechanical universe, that we are basically on our own. So I’d like to get your thoughts… Do you believe in a personal God that we can ask for help?

Thanks so much!


First of all, good for you for getting help with your alcohol dependence. As for the Higher Power you are encouraged to call upon—you don’t have to think of it in anthropomorphic terms, or even in terms of a personal deity. The universal power and intelligence that supports all existence is your own deepest, pure consciousness. Reality is one undivided consciousness at its source, and your awareness shares that same source. In pop culture parlance, we can even borrow the Star Wars concept of the “Force” as a simple way to relate to the impersonal aspect of God.

Regardless of what name or image we have in our mind, when the fragmented, separate self seeks help and healing, it is ultimately asking for a reconnection and return to wholeness with this source consciousness within. So don’t let the occasional theistic language of A.A.  put you off from reconnecting with your true self as the basis of your healing.



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  1. Anne Margaret

    I am so glad he wrote that answer. Exactly, what they are talking about it what you believe to be the Higher Power "source ' 'god' 'universe' "abraham' ' anything YOU want to name it, but AA is trying to say , it takes a belief, a truth , that a Higher Source is there to help you. (took my forever to get that concept) and Deepak , taking to , deep down, you are (we all are) , trying to connect with our true inner SELF, and that connection, spirit, truth will guide you. If i may, try or check out Abraham-Hicks, group, they have been very helpful to me, understanding 'higher source'. I congratulate you on your journey.................. We are all here to support. :)

  2. Anne Margaret

    I am so glad he wrote that answer. Exactly, what they are talking about it what you believe to be the Higher Power "source ' 'god' 'universe' "abraham' ' anything YOU want to name it, but AA is trying to say , it takes a belief, a truth , that a Higher Source is there to help you. (took my forever to get that concept) and Deepak , taking to , deep down, you are (we all are) , trying to connect with our true inner SELF, and that connection, spirit, truth will guide you. If i may, try or check out Abraham-Hicks, group, they have been very helpful to me, understanding 'higher source'. I congratulate you on your journey.................. We are all here to support. :)

  3. Anne Margaret

    I am so glad he wrote that answer. Exactly, what they are talking about it what you believe to be the Higher Power "source ' 'god' 'universe' "abraham' ' anything YOU want to name it, but AA is trying to say , it takes a belief, a truth , that a Higher Source is there to help you. (took my forever to get that concept) and Deepak , taking to , deep down, you are (we all are) , trying to connect with our true inner SELF, and that connection, spirit, truth will guide you. If i may, try or check out Abraham-Hicks, group, they have been very helpful to me, understanding 'higher source'. I congratulate you on your journey.................. We are all here to support. :)

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