February 24, 2023
Ask Deepak

Buddhist Chant.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


Hi Deepak, I wanted to know if it’s ok to chant ‘nam myoho renge kyo’ whilst still honoring and following what’s also very important to me and that is the teachings of Jesus? I have found the sound whilst chanting really resonates with me, but at the same time, I feel guilty that I’m somehow serving two masters.


This Buddhist chant has the general intention of aligning our life awareness to the wisdom of universal dharma.  Since its aim is to bring our individuality into harmony with the rhythm and the order of all life, I don’t see any conflict with the teachings of Jesus. You might want to think of this divine order of the cosmos or dharma as the Kingdom of Heaven that Jesus spoke of. If you feel a strong connection to this chant, then you can trust it is doing something good for you. It is your conditioned mind that is complicating this and making you feel guilty and doubt your own experience.



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