July 23, 2018

Beyond Karma.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


Namaste, how we can affect karma or can we change it? As we choose our circumstances of our life before we are born to certain body. We chose the parents, country etc. so we can evolve our consciousness. Is it only an illusion about choices we think we have and without that illusion we wouldn’t evolve the way we have chosen? There is certain programing so we live like autopilot with illusion of choices? Or do we have willpower to change karma? Also divine consciousness is beyond the mind and experiences but right experiences bring us closer to our timeless self? So are experiences important? Are all these questions coming from the mind which is limited…but to understand nature of reality we must understand nature our mind? Are we taking mind to our next life? Awareness is beyond mind but do we have to quite the mind? So consciousness of awareness can see itself through the mind?


We change karma most effectively by transcending the limitations of action, time and space and causality and recognizing our true self. a single action will produce karma of different qualities—physical, emotional and mental. Using the willpower of our conditioned mind to change karma will only generate more karma, can’t free you from karma.

  The physical aspects of karma will operate according to the laws and dynamics of the space/time context it is found in. The subtler karmic influences on the mental and emotional levels operate according to the non-local, non-dimensional values. The realm of pure conscious, the Atman, is beyond the consideration of karma altogether.

When an individual awareness incarnates, she is said to take a small portion of the vast heap of karma that soul has accumulated throughout its entire existence. That figurative pile of karma is called sanchita karma. The small package that one takes for the journey of one lifetime is called prarabdha karma. This prarabdha karma is what is available to be experienced in that lifetime and it presents itself as the currents of our destiny that we find in our personality, health, family upbringing, and relationships.  This karma has been accumulated from past choices, from a state of constricted, but now feels like fate, not your choice because awareness remains as the conditioned ego mind.

Our actions and present choices that we take now, in the present, are called kriyamana karma. This is our free will and this is a significant factor in our life experience and direction. Our circumstances are the complex interaction of all these forces from the past together with our free will in the present—all these together comprise the context for our awareness to awaken to its true nature, unlimited consciousness not bound or limited by time or karma.



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  1. Karyn Taylor

    Thank you for sharing that...Does this mean that most elevated souls are the most unbound by karma? But that is not necessarily unborn children or those who haven't yet accumulated karma "debt" in this life according to your philosophy but also the spiritually "evolved" who have made the effort to purify themselves throughout their life's journey in this world is it not? Thank you for your response.

  2. Karyn Taylor

    Thank you for sharing that...Does this mean that most elevated souls are the most unbound by karma? But that is not necessarily unborn children or those who haven't yet accumulated karma "debt" in this life according to your philosophy but also the spiritually "evolved" who have made the effort to purify themselves throughout their life's journey in this world is it not? Thank you for your response.

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