May 18, 2015

Believing in God.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


 Deepak, do you actually believe in God? Or is that word, when you use it, only a reference to a universal consciousness? Thank you.


I think direct experience is always preferable to belief. As universal consciousness,  I understand God as the all-inclusive intelligence, love and creative power of the universe, so it’s not “only a reference to universal consciousness,” it is universal consciousness. That cosmic awareness is our essential nature, so when we experience our true self in meditation, we are contacting and experiencing  that pure intelligence within ourselves. That experience is immediate, intimate and self-validating, it does not depend on any belief system or mental construct.



Write Your Comment

  1. heartphone

    As Teilhard de Chardin would say: God is personal and every personal view fits in the big picture. It is the definition of unconditionality which can also be defined as love, as wide as all reality.

  2. heartphone

    As Teilhard de Chardin would say: God is personal and every personal view fits in the big picture. It is the definition of unconditionality which can also be defined as love, as wide as all reality.

  3. Maria Moon


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