December 16, 2017

Awareness Out of the Blue.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.



Some 35 years ago I had an experience that I have never forgotten. I was about 23 years old at the time. I’m not sure where to begin so I will give a brief history of my life up to that point. I was raised catholic by good and well-meaning parents. At school age, I was sent to a convent for my first five years of school, home only on weekends. I was terribly home sick and I hated school. I grew up I think, not very well adjusted, not many friends and thinking I was not very smart, since I did not do well in school. I was very fortunate though, that I knew what I loved to do. I was going to trade school to be a mechanic and driving taxi to support myself. Things were going well, and I was reasonably happy.  But most of the time I was very unconscious that there was anything more to life, although there were times when I wondered who am I, and what is this life all about?  One day I was driving taxi and my younger brother had come to visit me. We drove around all day picking up fares, dropping them off and visiting. we had a great day. Sometime over the course of the day I had this feeling of complete peace and being totally present come over me. It was like I had been living with blinders on and now I could see. My ego was gone and everything was just how it is. This lasted about two days and I felt capable of doing anything I wanted, there were no restrictions. This feeling was so totally out of normal for me that I never shared it with anyone for years.  I tried many times to recreate this feeling and was unable. It wasn’t until I read your Book of Secrets that I realized that I had experienced what you talk about. My question is why did this awareness come to me without any understanding of the concept of consciousness or the practice of meditation?


That experience could come to you out of the blue, because that is our natural state of being. It is always ready to come through when it has an opportunity. Our common state of agitated, conditioned awareness covers that awareness over, but if other circumstances align so that that limited consciousness becomes quiescent, then one’s true nature can come shining through of its own accord. That was your experience of living ego-less, fully in the present and seeing things just as they are. This in how human awareness is designed to function when all the impediments are removed. The spontaneous experience you had is there to give you a taste of what life is supposed to be. Meditation helps release mental conditioning and gives you the experience of that non-local awareness so that it becomes your dominant baseline level of consciousness. That awakened consciousness will eventually become permanent and underlie all your everyday experience, like it did those days in the taxi with your brother. That is the state of cosmic consciousness, enlightenment.



Write Your Comment

  1. Denita McDade

    I've had these states on consciousness.. They happen more frequent as I've been practicing meditation and clearing my mental blocks. Very astonishing feeling.

  2. Denita McDade

    I've had these states on consciousness.. They happen more frequent as I've been practicing meditation and clearing my mental blocks. Very astonishing feeling.

  3. Denita McDade

    I've had these states on consciousness.. They happen more frequent as I've been practicing meditation and clearing my mental blocks. Very astonishing feeling.

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